3lb loss in 12 weeks?!



  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    So I saw the doctor today and asked her opinion after describing my symptoms and difficulty losing weight, and she's referred me for blood tests testing for female testosterone (marker for PCOS), blood sugar and another thyroid test. The thing is though, she said that even if the test comes back positive for an insulin-resistance type illness, the way to treat is would be - you guessed it - to lose weight. I'd heard this before about PCOS in particular, and was sort of expecting it, but I wanted to hear it from my GP.

    I guess my question now is, what to do calories wise. I'm hesitant to drop my calories too low, as I'll lose weight initially but damage my metabolism. I'm also hesitant to up my calories as I'm small and possibly insulin resistant and might pack weight back on. I even started looking up carb cycling as a potential strategy, but I've tried very low carb before (less than 50g/day) and I used to get the sweats and shakes.

    I guess, all in all, I'm just gonna have to settle for it taking 20 years to lose the weight. x)
  • angelasrescuedog
    angelasrescuedog Posts: 11 Member
    I simpathise. I found it so hard to lose weight. I'm type 2 diabetic. Height 5.2 I've lost 15lbs so far. But that last 7 pounds is killing me. And no matter what I do. Exercise. Make sure I eat 1200 cals the lbs are not budging. I also had blood tests to rule out anything else. However when they came back normal I was kinda gutted. As I was looking for reasons why why why. My doctor said sometimes no matter how hard u try. You reach that plateau and u stick at it. That's the weight your destine to be. Maybe try what some of the other peeps say. I must admit cutting out wheat sounds like a plan. I may try that too. I'm on holiday to Yorkshire UK for Easter and I expect all the ice cream and sticks of rock will play havoc on my waistline. Let's us know how u get on
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Do the math.

    If you lost 3 pounds in 12 weeks . 3500 calories per pound so you ate 10,500 calories less then maintenance during that time or 875 calories per week deficit which is of course a 125 calorie per day deficit.

    If you want to lose 1 pound per week you need to eat at a 500 calorie per day deficit
    1 1/2 pounds a week would require a 750 calorie a day deficit and so on.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    P90X is great but can you do something more? 30 minutes is the recommended minimum amount. Even if you do a few strolls around the block, those steps add up!

    Of course you don't have to exercise at all to lose weight, but it definitely helps move things along.

    You cod also try 1400 calories and see how you progress.
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    Do the math.

    If you lost 3 pounds in 12 weeks . 3500 calories per pound so you ate 10,500 calories less then maintenance during that time or 875 calories per week deficit which is of course a 125 calorie per day deficit.

    There's no way in hell I've been netting 2025 calories per day. I log everything, and my polar tells me I burn between 250 - 500 calories per P90X3 workout. I have a digital food scale, I don't guess calories. I realise that you don't know me or see what I'm eating, and for all you know I'm lying or over eating without logging it. But I know that I'm not.

  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    P90X is great but can you do something more? 30 minutes is the recommended minimum amount. Even if you do a few strolls around the block, those steps add up!

    You cod also try 1400 calories and see how you progress.

    I'm thinking of starting running again alongside P90X3, because when I've tried losing weight before with running and eating less than 1500 it wasn't this slow. Still slow, but not 3lbs in 12 week slow. Thanks :)
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    Do the math.

    If you lost 3 pounds in 12 weeks . 3500 calories per pound so you ate 10,500 calories less then maintenance during that time or 875 calories per week deficit which is of course a 125 calorie per day deficit.

    There's no way in hell I've been netting 2025 calories per day. I log everything, and my polar tells me I burn between 250 - 500 calories per P90X3 workout. I have a digital food scale, I don't guess calories. I realise that you don't know me or see what I'm eating, and for all you know I'm lying or over eating without logging it. But I know that I'm not.

    Not sure where you are getting 2025 calories from.

    I am saying if you do the math. You lost 3 pounds which works out to 125 calorie a day deficit and not the planned 500 you have your goal at or think you have eaten. So somewhere in you logging, weighing , food database , calculated calorie burn you are off by 350 calories per day.

    In other words you though you were at a 500 calorie a day deficit but your results indicate an actual 125 calorie a day deficit. Find the error and tighten up your program to get your results to meet your goal.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I'd suggest changing your workout routine and adding more weight than P90X gives you. For a temporary fix, running will help you, but for insulin resistance the lean muscle mass really helps to burn those extra sugars floating around so that it doesn't need insulin to turn it into fat. The rearranging the carb calories to max at 35% or lower if you can tolerate it, will help kickstart you. If you're used to high carb (50% like MFP tells you), you might have carb cravings the first two weeks, but after that, you should be fine and the weight will start to come off again. Running won't get you those muscles that help you burn more at rest. Only weight lifting will help with that and P90X doesn't build those muscle fibers the same.
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    I understand your frustration ... I am very slowly losing and have been at a plateau for over a month. Yesterday I was ready to throw my hands in the air and say "I give up". And, I believe that you are accurately measuring portions, etc. I do that as well. It's very easy for someone else to say you're obviously doing something wrong or you'd be losing. It's not that easy sometimes, and quite frankly, I get a bit annoyed when people jump to that conclusion and start "blaming" someone for not "obviously" not doing X, Y or Z. Sometimes you do everything RIGHT and the weight loss still stalls.
  • Vikkim2015
    Vikkim2015 Posts: 10 Member
    There is a film called "That Sugar Film" and the guy changed his diet from high fat mid protein low veggie based carbs to a high carb low fat/protein diet for a 30 day period without changing the actual calorie amount he consumed. He limited his new diet to normally considered healthy foods like low fat yogurts, muesli, fruit and fruit juice.
    The result was he gain considerable weight and within 2 wks had the start of fatty liver and was pre-diabetic. He was fully documented by specialists for this and even they were surprised how bad high carbs are for the body.
    I stopped all grain, pasta, bread without trying to lose weight and i did lose almost 6kg in 2mths. Stop eating anything low fat or diet as they contain higher carbs and hidden sugars which are the main barriers to weight loss.