usernoid1 Member


  • So, so true. Everything everyone has written so far - DITTO! Sometimes it's crazy=making! Thanks for the thread :smile:
  • It is usually adolescents who cut when we use it in the "self-injurious behavior" context. If it makes you feel any better, the majority of the time people who cut or self-harm are not suicidal. Self-injurious behavior is used to cover or suppress negative emotions. (It should still be brought out in the open and treated.)
  • Hi Tara! I am a person who has struggled with weight for 42 of my 50 years. I am a mental health therapist with a specialty in eating disorders practice in multiple settings at multiple levels of care. I have also lost 117 lbs in the last 18 months. With that in mind, I will tell you, YES. You will be counting calories and…
  • If you think you are not taking in enough sodium and/or potassium - go directly to your primary physician. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. These are both electrolytes. I simple blood draw will give you accurate numbers on your levels and then, go from there. A consistent deficit in your electrolytes is medically…
  • My best advice is to not worry about it. I just spent the majority of this month going up and down the same 4 pounds until last Saturday. My body will lose some number - 7 - 10 lbs - then just stop and sit there for 2 or 3 weeks even though never go over my calorie requirement for the day. Yes, the ever dreaded plateau. So…
    in Humph Comment by usernoid1 April 2015
  • I have always always always been fat. In a few pictures I see that I was not fat, but I know I thought I was. Except on the day I was born, which is why I use by baby picture as my avatar - NOT FAT! Even underweight!! lol. Anyway, I have lost 115 lbs. I believe I would like to weigh in the middle of my BMI range but there…
  • Youtube is a fantastic place to find beginner's low impact or chair exercises for people who need gentle exercise for free!
  • why do you bother to look at other people's stuff if it annoys you? I stay away from things that annoy me. just sayin'
  • Who was in The Birds with Jessica Tandy
  • Who was in Big with Elizabeth Perkins
  • Hey! Good morning from Cincinnati, Ohio! I weighed in at 299lbs in October 2013. Have lost 88lbs so far, but didn't get really really into it until this past October when I started MFP. It's now kind of fun to watch the numbers go down :). I like logging my food and exercise on MFP. And I find motivation with songs like…