I don't know why I care but.........



  • usernoid1
    usernoid1 Posts: 11 Member
    why do you bother to look at other people's stuff if it annoys you? I stay away from things that annoy me. just sayin'
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If I see a new low, even if it's .1, I'm going to log it.

    Sorry, but I don't care that you care.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    So what is what is the appropriate amount you have to lose before you log it and how often can it be logged to satisfy the OP?
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    I log my weight every day whether it is up or down. I don't do it so it will post to my newsfeed, I do it so I have all my data in one place and I don't have to enter it in separate places to keep track of it and log milestones and such. So yes, I have o.2 losses and such. But that's just how MFP works. It posts it when I log my weight and it's down. MFP is set up that way because the community aspect is a huge part of this service. Sharing even the smallest losses for those trying to lose weight is a good thing, so you can celebrate with others.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't understand why you care either. Weighing myself once a week has more room for error than weighing myself daily and establishing a trend. I like numbers, I like accuracy, so I weigh in daily.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    People that weigh themselves every day and record the most minuscule losses annoy the *kitten* out of me. One word - "fluctuation". Ok. Rant over. I apologize for my PMS. :p

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I needed to hear the different perspectives. See now I realize I'm just being stupid!

    I know what you mean...I get annoyed when I see exercise logged like "Cooking, 957 calories" LOL. *shrug* A lot of things people do really irritates the tar outta me and sometimes ya just wanna say something. :blush:

    I weigh myself every day. But I usually only log if I have lost at least a pound...sometimes I log a half pound. I flat out refuse to log gains, lol...so sometimes it may take me 2 or 3 weeks to record my weight, but I'm on that scale every morning before breakfast. LOL

  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Ahhhh the beauty of personal choice and what drives, inspires and/or gives us all stress and anxiety.

    I weigh and record my morning and before bed weight. Quite often I weigh myself at intervals throughout the day and put it on my spread sheet just to look back at past days and see how my weight was under similar circumstances. No other reason then pure curiosity as to how my body works and I am a statistical compulsive freak I guess.

    I am subject to emotional ups and downs and anxiety and being able to see the broad picture at a moments notice helps to keep me from thinking that one weigh in signals that I am a complete failure and that I should quit this healthy diet plan that I am on.

    When I look at my (now) three month graph showing a steady decline in weight from 217 to 191, I can accept that on any given day my weight had spiked since I can see on paper that historically this has happened over and over and over on my declining weight graph. I can also see that I have periods of plateauing for 3-5 days, but now know that by just sticking with it, the work all shows up eventually in a matter of days on the scale.

    So, it works for me. But I certainly understand why this would drive others crazy and that a weekly weigh in is recommended for those that just can't bear to see the daily fluxuations.

    I am also glad that MFP lets us know when we are not eating enough. I easily can slip down that rabbit hole of just not eating in order to hit a lower weight when I am not feeling so chipper about my program. But I know that these moments will pass, so I just eat some more food on my diet, and in the end this is a lot healthier then starving myself, which is so so so easy for me to do.
  • Wreathy
    Wreathy Posts: 61 Member
    I like to see my fluctuations, they tell me how my body reacts to food, stress, sleep, sodium, hydration, and working out.

    These are valuable data points and I will not stop logging them. If it Bugs you soo much you may want to consider unfriending these people, or posting this on your wall so they can unfriend you.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I needed to hear the different perspectives. See now I realize I'm just being stupid!

    You're not being stupid. I weigh once every one to two weeks, and i don't record until I've lost 1 kg (2.2lbs)