adriammmm Member


  • i thought i could get faster results by cutting out more! i felt i could get away with it, since i'm not really active. but maybe that's not the case :/
  • i don't bother counting ounces or cups. too many weird numbers, it gets confusing! i use liters. i aim for at least two liters of water a day - basically as much water as you'd get in one of those big jugs of soda, but i try to go for three liters. i've read around that it's most beneficial, and i can attest that it's…
  • when i first went vegetarian earlier in 2015, i lost a few pounds right away, but then it evened out. my family has a habit of eating out, so instead of getting burgers and fries i'd have to get a salad or something since i didn't have any other option. my digestive system became much more regular. the weirdest thing that…
  • thanks for all the replies, guys! I love beans and soup is perfect for this weather. I got the stuff to make bean and lentil soup tomorrow night. it'll only rake 10 minutes and I can get a lot of meals out of it. can't wait to try it out :9 I also found these frozen steamfresh protein packs and they're wonderful. a little…
  • I'm gonna try this! my ultimate goal is losing 30 lbs and it'll encourage me to get the majority of that in by easter 5'7" SW: 180ish (didn't get a proper scale until recently) CW: 174 Challenge GW: 165 UGW: 150? 160? We'll see! I've lost 20 lbs in one summer of hard work so I think I can do it!
  • a year ago i hit 200 lbs and decided okay, this is no good, none of my clothes fit anymore, and decided to exercise and eat healthier and all that and see how far it went. i kept a personal diet diary and got down to 180 that spring and went off the track for the rest of the year. i nudged up a bit to about 185 around…