Becoming vegetarian



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Did I lose weight when I became vegetarian?
    No. A big fat no.
    Although, I did it for ethical reasons, not to lose weight.

    Cutting out animal products is not the way to lose weight. Eating less than you burn in the day (just from existing, chores, exercise) to create a deficit works for weight loss.
  • adriammmm
    adriammmm Posts: 9 Member
    when i first went vegetarian earlier in 2015, i lost a few pounds right away, but then it evened out. my family has a habit of eating out, so instead of getting burgers and fries i'd have to get a salad or something since i didn't have any other option. my digestive system became much more regular. the weirdest thing that happened was that i was gassy and bloated less.
    it varies from person to person. some people are built to be able to go without meat, some need animal protein. i'd say i'm lucky, from my moral standing that i get along just fine without meat.
    is it good for weight loss? in theory yes, if you stop eating meat and start eating vegetables in its place. in practice, no, if you're like me and swapped out burgers for cake.