Water -- How Much Do You Drink?

So, the common belief is that most people need at least 64 oz. of water per day.

Then, there is also the belief that one should drink their weight divided in half, in ounces (i.e., a 200lb. person should drink at least 100 oz. of water per day).

I became severely dehydrated this week and do not want to have that feeling again. So I have started to seriously increase my water intake, going from a new high of 32 oz. (when I used to drink very little pure water and mostly just coffee and tea, often sweetened) to a hopeful new minimum of 64 oz. and a hopefully goal of 100 oz. per day in the near future.

How much water do you drink, and how does it affect you in regards to bloating, fatigue, skin appearance, your weightloss goals, etc.

I already feel better, but I worry about edema that affects my legs (which is why I started avoiding drinking lots of water in the first place. I thought that the tea helped as diuretic to keep the edema down).

I would like to feel very hydrated, but also prevent the pitting edema that I get --- at least for an event early next week where I will need to show off the gams.

Any suggestions on how to conquer dehydration, but also prevent water weight bloat and edema?

What is the usual time frame for the body to realize that it will get enough water, and for it to flush away all of the water weight it is storing away?


  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Virtually zero plain water. I *may* have 8oz after a run 4-5days a week, but usually its diet coke or black tea with splenda only for fluids. Occasionally cashew milk, but only 2-3c a week when i need a protein powder.

    I have not noticed a difference in fatigue, bloating or anything else on the few times i have had 32oz plus in plain water in one day....to be fair....thats maybe 1x a month?
  • adriammmm
    adriammmm Posts: 9 Member
    i don't bother counting ounces or cups. too many weird numbers, it gets confusing! i use liters. i aim for at least two liters of water a day - basically as much water as you'd get in one of those big jugs of soda, but i try to go for three liters. i've read around that it's most beneficial, and i can attest that it's true, in my case. i feel healthiest when i've had three liters, i'm not bloated or crampy, my skin looks nicer, my body is very...uh, regular, if you catch my drift. i do it by getting those 1-liter water bottles from the gas station or whatever and refilling them throughout the day. i keep two in the refrigerator and one out with me at all times.
    maybe it's just me, but i honestly can't see how someone can go without drinking water. i switched from soda to water years and years ago and i feel like death if i don't have at least a liter of water a day. bloated, achey, tired, cranky...just overall not good!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I have a diet pop or two every day one usually first thing in the morning and maybe one with lunch. Other than that I drink water all day the rest of the day. I always have so I'm not sure what happens when I don't drink tons of water.
  • BrandyGanus
    BrandyGanus Posts: 45 Member
    I didn't realize how little water I was drinking until I started logging. I struggle to get through all 64 ounces some days and other days, I exceed it by quite a bit. That being said, I do feel better when I drink enough water.

    To avoid edema, you need to keep salt down and increase your water. Water equalizes the concentrations of ions in your body and if you have too much salt, it will cause your body to retain the water in order to equalize the concentrations.

    I'm not sure what the time frame is for the body to equalize the concentrations, but here is some information about how to reduce edema and here is some information about dehydration.

    If you are still recovering from dehydration, then you need to drink electrolytes as well as water. When I was severely dehydrated last year (and hospitalized for it), the doctor told me to drink Gatorade as well as water. It has a lot of sugar in it though so you could always opt for other electrolyte-replenishing drinks. I just preferred the taste of Gatorade.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I drink 64-104 oz a day. I drink more than most because of my kidneys. My Dr wants me to drink water constantly. I stopped drinking pop about 2 months ago.
  • arose1122
    arose1122 Posts: 167 Member
    I drink about 98 oz or more Monday - Saturday. Those are the days I work out. On Sunday I try to get a minimum of 64 oz. On top of this I drink about 8 - 16 oz of coffee. I have done away with all juices and sodas. I used to drink nothing but coffee and soda and drank at most 8 oz of plain water every day. I have found that now that I drink this much water I don't have the swelling and water retention I once did.
  • Squirrel698
    Squirrel698 Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2016
    I track my water using an app on Android called Carbodroid. It tells me I drink between 120 to 140 oz. a day.

    I do that by carrying those 20 oz shake cups around, and I just drink them throughout the day. You know the ones they give away for promotions with that steel mixing ball and what not. Always 20 oz before lunch and dinner and about 40 oz when I'm exercising.

    I would say it makes a big difference. I feel a lot less around my middle, so less bloated and more regular. At first, I went to the bathroom constantly but after being at it a month, I go less now.

    I would recommend it. I think my skin might be better as well.

    I don't drink soda any more, not even diet, but I do drink Kombucha and those new Bragg Apple Cider drinks.

  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    My urologist recommends that I drink between 80 - 120 oz. of water a day. I have nephrosis and a lot of sludge in my kidneys with a history of kidney stones. I can tell when I do not have enough water as I start to get a dull ache in my flank.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    arose1122 wrote: »
    I drink about 98 oz or more Monday - Saturday. Those are the days I work out. On Sunday I try to get a minimum of 64 oz. On top of this I drink about 8 - 16 oz of coffee. I have done away with all juices and sodas. I used to drink nothing but coffee and soda and drank at most 8 oz of plain water every day. I have found that now that I drink this much water I don't have the swelling and water retention I once did.

    How do you not float away?! Lol!
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    I recently decided this needed to be a goal of mine, drinking more water. I drink a bottle of water every two hours, which gets me at drinking 12 c water daily. Doing it that way seems to help keep me on track and it's easy. Some days it keeps me full longer. I'm constantly in the bathroom!! LOL I have noticed my "dizzy" spells don't happen when I drink just water.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited February 2016
    I also have edema in my lower legs, sometimes I can easily leave a nice ol indent with my finger! I drink 2-3L of water everyday, plus 6+ cups of tea with milk. There are some days that it doesn't make one iota of difference no matter how much water I guzzle down.
    I have found a product that has pretty much eradicated the swelling in my legs, it's called antistax. Bear in mind I don't take any medication, so I can't say how or if it will interfere with anything you take. It is the best thing i have found for it yet!
    I'm not sure if it's available in the U.S, but will post a pic.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Sorry, don't know how to reduce the size of that massive pic!!
  • brekober
    brekober Posts: 40 Member
    I drink around 80 oz of water a day if not more. I'm prone to kidney infections so I have to in order to stay healthy.
  • maureented
    maureented Posts: 59 Member
    I drink 104 oz of water each day. I fill a container each night and put in the refrigerator and my goal the next day is to finishing drinking the entire container.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    My water drinking average is 14 cups (118 oz) or seven 500 mL glasses (3.5 L). I also drink 1 355 mL diet soda pop. I have slight edema and don't bother about it because the only way I know to "drain" my calves is to hang upside down for a few hours which would be pointless since the edema comes back the moment I'd stand upright.
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    Sorry, don't know how to reduce the size of that massive pic!!

    Thank you so much for the info. I will check to see if we carry that in the U.S. :)
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    16 cups of water a day.
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    16 cups of water a day.

    Wowza! How do you incorporate 128 oz. of water into your day?
  • wonderchu
    wonderchu Posts: 53 Member
    I drink 2 litres (4x500ml bottles) per day which, I've just discovered, is 70oz so almost spot on for half my body weight. I've been drinking the same amount daily for the past 2 years though. Sometimes I drink an extra 500ml. I don't really notice a difference in how it makes me feel, it's just what I do.