Water -- How Much Do You Drink?



  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    I drink about 3 liters/day. I feel better when I do it (my eczema always seems better, lips less dry, poop better, not mistaking thirst for hunger all day, etc.). I carry a bottle around pretty much everywhere. I started the trend while pregnant, and I just kept up the habit. :smile:
  • shamburger411
    shamburger411 Posts: 30 Member
    12 Cups of water a day plus 3 cups of green tea a day, 8oz of almond milk in my protein shake every morning. No soda, nothing else.
  • KitchyWitchy
    KitchyWitchy Posts: 57 Member
    I drink 20 oz of water before each meal for a total of 60 oz. That's the pure water I drink but I also have diet soda and tea so overall I'm getting more liquids than that.
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    8-12 cups of water a day, feel better with 12. 8 oz almond milk, rarely a soda. I have a 32 oz aluminum water bottle (don't have to buy bottled or recycle). goal is to fill it & down it 3x a day. Has a lid, so it goes wherever I go...work, shopping, errands, home on the counter.
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    64-112 oz a day. I have a 32 oz water bottle that I refill as much as I can stand. I am not a fan of water, so this is fun to prove that I can do it. The only other fluids I drink are coffee and milk.
  • vagreer10
    vagreer10 Posts: 1 Member
    I use the app plant nanny to track my water and since I've downloaded it, I drink close to 100 oz every day. (it calculates how much you should drink based off your weight and activity level)

    I feel much more energized when I drink lots of water. don't really get bloated unless I drink a bunch at once. I've heard that drinking is really important if you want to loose weight. the best thing I've done in regards to drinking water is buying a camelbak water bottle with the straw top. makes it so easy to drink water and I can carry it around everywhere.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Go get some of those big 30ish ounces of bottled water, that helps me to just have it next to me and sip on it, you would be surprised how fast you can drink if it's always next to you! Im over 200 and I drink 55-65oz a day, definitely helps my skin and to help me not eat at night when my belly is full of water! I definitely think it helped with my weight loss too, not much it's not a magic pill but it increases your metabolism- I used to be dehydrated too, like I drank 4-8 ounces a day and the rest was soda, now it's such a habit and my body craves it, so ease your way into it if u have to! There's nothing but positives to drinking water
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    I drink 80oz plus a day. Easy, I drink it with my supplements. Creatine mixed in 28oz water in the morning and then I refill my blender bottle with h2o another 28oz that sip throughout the day and then I fill it up with c4 with or after dinner, then I refill it with bcaas for my cardio and refill with water when I hit the weights :*
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    I drink 80oz plus a day. Easy, I drink it with my supplements. Creatine mixed in 28oz water in the morning and then I refill my blender bottle with h2o another 28oz that sip throughout the day and then I fill it up with c4 with or after dinner, then I refill it with bcaas for my cardio and refill with water when I hit the weights :*

    How does it taste with all the supplements in it?
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    edited February 2016
    I drink somewhere around 70-80 oz in just water per day. I don't really keep track or actively try to reach a water goal per day, that amount just seems to be what my body needs.
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    briegirl28 wrote: »
    I drink 80oz plus a day. Easy, I drink it with my supplements. Creatine mixed in 28oz water in the morning and then I refill my blender bottle with h2o another 28oz that sip throughout the day and then I fill it up with c4 with or after dinner, then I refill it with bcaas for my cardio and refill with water when I hit the weights :*

    How does it taste with all the supplements in it?

  • mankars
    mankars Posts: 115 Member
    upto 3 litres of water per day... more on hot Summer days.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I fill up all my water bottles at night & stick them in the fridge so they're cold & handy to grab all day. If I have to refill anything I'm less likely to do it. I have a 32oz Nalgene & 4 other bottles that are 20-24oz. Goal is to get through all of them by the end of the day. Most days I do. I also sometimes have a bit of coffee on top of it. But no other beverages. If I don't drink enough I feel it in my work outs. Drinking that much also helps keep me from snacking all day. I don't deal with bloat other than my time of the month so long as I keep up with my water. :)

    Chug a lug
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    I really have no idea. All I drink is water but I use about 3 - 16.9oz bottles a day in my big water bottle. But I add lots of ice which melts about
    8-10 times a day. The bottle is 32oz. So maybe about 120oz??? Like I said, no idea. Lol
  • GTR86
    GTR86 Posts: 5 Member
    I drink between 2-6L daily depending on how busy I am. The more water, the less the bloat. Bloat is temporary and for each cup of caffeine drink u should be supplementing 2 glasses of water more.
  • arose1122
    arose1122 Posts: 167 Member
    How do you not float away?! Lol![/quote]

    The first week was rough. I was peeing every 30-45 minutes at work. Then my body got used to it and I can go longer without feeling like my bladder is going to explode. :smiley:

  • angievanhill
    angievanhill Posts: 19 Member
    My motto is 2 gallons in, 1 gallon out.. :open_mouth:
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    Yay!! I reached at least 96 oz of water on Friday. :) And possibly even 100 oz. And now I am starting to drink electrolyte water with added lemon and sometimes a packet or two of Truvia for a nice lemonade taste. I agree that my body really liked the extra water and I didn't get too bloated. I plan to drink @ least 96 oz of water every day this week. :)