bighey75 Member


  • Fellow hockey player here... I used to just put in the total time... we play 15 minute periods, I entered 45 minutes on my log. That said, I'be been tracking the games with a Polar Loop (with heart rate monitor) lately, and the MFP calories are literally half of what the HRM is tracking. Dunno if that helps or not.
  • Lots of good comments here. I'll try to respond some things in no particular order. Goals - My goal was not to lose weight, my goal - - due to some health reasons (Stage 2 Chronic Kidney Disease), and I had started to play in an adult Ice Hockey League for beginners - - was to be "Fit by 40". I wanted to see if I could…
  • Evident in my shopping for new shirts the other day... STILL looking at stuff thats too big. I went to the the next size down and viola! It fit.
  • I guess. Perhaps one more thing I need to work on. I think getting healthy might be easier of the two....
  • I suppose I never really had it. I'd been overweight for 20 years. My younger siblings always sort of made fun of me, just little shots here and there about my weight, they still do, but now its more like "dude, eat a cheeseburger". I suppose I sort of had this expectation from reading others experiences, and in this area,…