MCHarrison510 Member


  • Im still learning how to navigate this app and its is a bit confusing to me. I need help with accountability also
  • I need friends! Support to reach goals. I’ve been a faithful quitter. I want to succeed and obviously not accomplishing it on my own!
  • Like you I have spent my life caring for everyone else and not taking the time to care for myself. I am a RN (not retired) I have a wonderful husband , beautiful children and GRANDBABY...... It's time for me!!!! I want to love myself! I know it's going to be hard to do but I know it can be done:)
  • Lorraine I've never used myfitnesspal on the computer and I am still learning it! We can do this!!!
  • Ashley! You can do it!!!! We all can we just have to learn that we are worth the time it takes to make to healthy decisions needed to reach our goals... I signed up on this app last year and when I use it I have success my problem is I don't take the time and stay committed.. I'm hopeing that by doing this challenge It…