kimdoucet Member


  • Stick with it hun, keep pushing!
  • Sure his/her anabolic window could be at his next meal that could be in 2-3 hrs from the workout and then he/she wouldn't need a snack. But it could also be 6 hours from then or longer so it would all depend on when that is. Also if read carefully, no one said avoid fat and protein. I said avoid eating them together/at the…
  • Actually you can do both simultaneously but it's not an easy feat. It would require a bit of cycling macro nutrients and your workout protocols would have to be on point. Keeping it all together could send you bonkers and could turn out to be an epic fail for lack of how/knowledge. I'd suggest losing the fat first then…
  • Depending on ones goals eating a post workout snack is great. If looking to build muscle then having a protein snack would be optimal within the anabolic window of opportunity . If you went hard on your workout a good carb and protein mix is good. Plain Greek yogurt and fruit if you can manage it, a naked tuna wrap or…
  • Yup a Dexa scan or Bod Pod would be your most accurate however if that's not an option then a skin caliper test taken at several pre-determined point on the body will give you a decent idea of where you're at. I'd suggest taking it on more than 3 points of the body for better accuracy.
  • Just as someone else mentioned, fluid retention can be a big factor. Depending on how much sodium you've had etc. Additionally for every gram of carbohydrates consumed we can retain about 3 gram of water, which can easily look like 2-3lbs added on the scale. Like others mentioned weigh first thing in the morning. I would…