eileent76 Member


  • I did this one twice as well. RX HSPU are a new skill to me, and timing the kip got in my way first attempt. 1st attempt: 31reps 2nd attempt: 67 reps! Success in working on my timing over the weekend. I’m afraid Friday being thrusters, box-over-Burpees and Chest-to-Bar pull-ups. I really dislike Wall balls, so maybe…
    in 18.4 Comment by eileent76 March 2018
  • Nice work! And now we await the next challenge. Please Dave, no wall-balls
    in 18.2 Comment by eileent76 March 2018
  • I did it again today (I’m totally a crazy person!) 9:38 and 107lb RX Changing the hold on the DB made a world of difference. Now I’m critiquing myself for getting greedy on the clean; I failed 117 twice as my legs wouldn’t drop for a squat clean. Wondering if I could have hit 112... Pretty thrilled with the improvement,…
    in 18.2 Comment by eileent76 March 2018
  • RX. Burpees are my niche, the DBs are heavy for me. Lost a lot of time in the 8-10rds taking breaks. 11:15 85lbs Should have loaded the bar heavier to start, mad at myself for not trying a 2nd Clean in the final few seconds. Hate to say it; gonna try again Monday!
    in 18.2 Comment by eileent76 March 2018
  • This is my first ‘official’ Open (the gym always runs the WODS but I’ve never signed up). I plan to go RX whenever even slightly possible, so for 18.1 I suffered through TTB for 6 rounds, 5 reps. Final reps 185 RX, women 40-44.
    in 18.1 Comment by eileent76 February 2018
  • I don't track a specific calorie burn, I use a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculation based on my week's activity.
  • I don't register, but the box does the WODs. Toyed with idea of RX but went for the scaled ladies weight of 20lbs, 216 reps.
    in 17.1 Comment by eileent76 February 2017
  • We're in the midst of an unseasonable heat wave...its 80+ degrees! (Gotta love Seattle!) I'm considering wearing shorts to beat the 'heat' ;)