Miss_Mania Member


  • I've also had 2 babies in 2 years. They're 14 months apart as well. I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd the same day I went to the gym to lose weight for my first lol. I did some strength training and my stomach felt odd. Took a test and yep pregnant again lol. So double the weight gain. My youngest is only 3 weeks old,…
  • Name: Ata Height: 5'7 Starting Weight (Jan., 2015): 372 (169 kgs) Starting Weight (9/27): 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) Goal Weight (10/25): 218 lbs (99 kgs yay double digits lol) 9/27: 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) 10/4: 226.4 lbs (102.7 kgs) 10/11: 223.7 (101.5 kgs) 10/18: 220.6lbs (100.1 kgs) 10/25: Loss/gain for the week: 3.1 lbs…
  • Aww thank you thats such a nice thing to say. Yeah so many people ask for help and I know you just can't help those who aren't willing to do the hard yards themselves. Maybe once I'm at a maintenance level I'll be able to put in time and commitment to actually help others.
  • Name: Ata Height: 5'7 Starting Weight (Jan., 2015): 372 (169 kgs) Starting Weight (9/27): 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) Goal Weight (10/25): 218 lbs (99 kgs yay double digits lol) 9/27: 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) 10/4: 226.4 lbs (102.7 kgs) 10/11: 223.7 (101.5 kgs) 10/18: 10/25: Loss/gain for the week:2.7 lbs Loss/gain for the month: 5.3…
  • You look amazing my friend!! You are proof that hard work pays off!! Your determination and dedication are demonstrated in your fabulous transformation. You are inspiring!!!
  • Name: Ata Height: 5'7 Starting Weight (Jan., 2015): 372 (169 kgs) Starting Weight (9/27): 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) Goal Weight (10/25): 218 lbs (99 kgs yay double digits lol) 9/27: 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) 10/4: 226.4 lbs (102.7 kgs) 10/11: 10/18: 10/25: Loss/gain for the week:2.6 lbs Loss/gain for the month: Successes/Struggles:…
  • I would like to join!! I'm from New Zealand and would probably need some reminder of when to weigh in etc because of the significance day and time difference lol.
  • Yes!! This is so where I'm at on my journey. Great to see others are going through the same thing lol. I used to only wear things that could fit and didn't have much options. Shopping would fill me with anxiety. Now I can spend a day shopping looking for things I actually love and putting things that are just okay back. My…
  • Name: Ata Height: 5'7 Starting Weight (Jan., 2015): 372 (169 kgs) Starting Weight (9/27): 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) Goal Weight (10/25): 218 lbs (99 kgs yay double digits lol) 9/27: 229 lbs (103.9 kgs) 10/4: 10/11: 10/18: 10/25: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month: Successes/Struggles: Goals for the Month: My goal…
  • I totally understand what you mean. I find it hard to see how far I've come also. I know that I have lost weight and that I am smaller than I used to be, however it's like I now have no self awareness. I was morbidly obese for the majority of my life and I got used to looking and being a certain way. In fact I haven't been…
  • Around about 6 months for me.
  • I cook 3 separate meals in my household. I don't mind keeps me on my feet and allows me to be in total control of what I'm consuming. My husband is skinny as heck and doesn't clean eat. Initially everyone questioned how long I could eat the way I do, now everyone just accepts thats what I do. It took a long time and me…
  • Welcome! I started at 372 lbs (January 2015) and am weighing in at 229 lbs currently. Feel free to add me if you require additional support!
  • Great Job on your progress so far! Keep it up. Feel free to add me if you need additional support=)
  • Add me if you want extra support. I've lost 140 lbs in 9 months and am still on my journey
  • I used to suffer from terrible social anxiety. To the point where I never left my home for basically 8 years and that is no exaggeration. I didn't answer the phone and I ran and hid in the room whenever people showed up - even if they were family. So I definitely do understand how much anxiety can affect someone's life. My…
  • By going to bed and waking up to a brand new day where I kick my *kitten* into gear =)
  • Amusement parks for sure, flying overseas without the fear of not fitting a seatbelt and really enjoying Summer =) I'm looking forward to being able to do more thrill seeking things too that I always felt too uncomfortable to partake in.
  • Dude I say get in there and strength train now. I've been doing both since I started the gym. Muscle burns fat. So get in there and get your popeye on lol. I enjoy strength training as well, makes me feel like im accomplishing something and my muscles always thank me for it. I think if your questioning it then you have…
  • Feel free to add me. I'm pretty determined lol
  • I'm a Maori from New Zealand. Kia Ora wassup!
  • Awww that is wonderful!! It took awhile for my family to get on board too. I think I just needed to prove to them that for once I was being for real and it wasn't just a pipe dream I was saving for another day. Once they saw how much it mean't to me and the lengths I was going through to accomplish it, the support rallied…
  • I cleaned out my cabinets 9 months ago and have never looked back. Good luck on your journey!
  • People will be negative either way. But you can't allow their opinions to obstruct your dreams and aspirations. If you don't lose it within your goal time then people will be lining up to tell you that they told you so. If you do, people will be lining up to tell you how unhealthy it is to lose that much weight in that…
  • Welcome to MFP!
  • Yesterday a person I have known most of my life came up to me and introduced themselves. I laughed and they did a double take and they were like OMG!! Last time I saw her was at the start of this year, so was totally blown away she did not recognise me at all lol.
  • I don't accept friend requests that don't come with a message anymore UNLESS the person is morbidly obese. I don't add people who only have "5 lb" to lose because I don't feel like I have anything to offer a person in that position. However if a person with a low amount to lose accompanies the request with a message - I'll…
  • ^ This. I lost motivation ages ago lol. I've just persevered through pure habit and my own expectations. I rarely "feel" like going to the gym and I rarely "feel" like having a salad over a packet of cookies. Afterwards I always feel great for having gone or making the healthier decision. It's just how it is now
  • I use Green Tea but not as a weight loss supplement. More of a something to full in the time lol, also I love dipping chocolate into it LOL. It's my everyday treat, green tea and some chocolate lol.