

  • I'm currently going through the same !!! I'm 51 kg and 5 foot 1 just trying to get to 47kg as I believe I look my best like that ! It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I believe eating healthy and EXCERSIZE everyday is key , please feel free to add me xz
  • Hi I'm 5"1 and 51kg want to lose 10 to 20 pounds too , would love to talk to you and we can motivate eachother :smile:
  • @heyyoudontgiveup‌ yes I would love to add you and thanks for the tips your right ! I really just need to get up and excersise !!!!! @CatLady1309‌ your completely right ! I want this to be a lifestyle change I want long lasting results when I was younger I lost loads of weight by starving myself and just gained it all back…
  • YOU ARE GORGEOUS CONGRATS GIRL !!!! I am 5"2 and 51kg , but for my frame I still have a belly and I need to tone my arms ! We could get on this journey together and maybe share some tips as we are so similar in size at the moment. Those last 10 pounds is what I need to lose myself. You are such a motivation and I would…
  • I am the same height as you ! It is difficult for us shorties ! Lol try and drink water LOTS OF WATER , I mean peeing like 24/7 . I found that helps at the beginning because you lose water weight. If I want to lose weight I need to flush out all of those toxins :)