losing last 2 kg (4.4lbs)

so i'm REALLY struggling to lose my last 2 kg.. i'm in a healthy weight already, but i want to lose those extra pounds because i feel that i would feel much more comfortable with my body. i have lost already 15.4 lbs ( 7 kilograms) and now weight 51.5 (well, before i binged today...) , i'm about 5'3-4 .

i been trying to lose those 2 kgs for a month now, but my body seems to hold to it like crazy. last week i have been doing pretty well - i lost 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) just being on 1200 calorie diet. but today i ruined everything AGAIN by bingeing... i've ate 2,200 calories before i even went to college!!! well of course, i'm not eating anything else for today... and the thing is that i have no time to go to gym at all and i'm sick on being on 1200 calorie diet... i think i will stick to it for a while now anyway :/

i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or advices? is sport totally necessary to lose the last few pounds? if you did it, how? anything would be REALLY appreciated! Thank you!!! :)


  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    bump :)
  • rairaiaday
    I'm currently going through the same !!! I'm 51 kg and 5 foot 1 just trying to get to 47kg as I believe
    I look my best like that ! It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I believe eating healthy and EXCERSIZE everyday is key , please feel free to add me xz
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ieva015 wrote: »

    i'm REALLY struggling to lose my last 2 kg...

    (well, before i binged today...)

    i been trying to lose those 2 kgs for a month now

    I'll take: Thing that make ya go "hmmmmmm ...", for $1000, please, Alex.

  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I have 6 to go and since I'm losing 0.2 to 0.4ozs weekly, it's slow to come. It will come though. :)