

  • Medical doctor:
  • Here, from I will copy/paste most of the page for you. Read the entire page then if these don’t answer your questions. BENEFIT 1 The main benefit being that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats for fuel, which gets very lazy on a high carbohydrate diet.…
  • Here, from I will copy/paste most of the page for you. Read the entire page then if these don’t answer your questions. BENEFIT 1 The main benefit being that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats for fuel, which gets very lazy on a high carbohydrate diet.…
  • What are your macros? Visit these forums to help: Also, here's a calculator: Set your activity to sedentary, your deficit to 20% and have your protein at .8g per pound. I have 85g protein a day with a body weight of 155lb.
  • You could try the Ketogenic Diet. It's main focus is low carb, moderate protein and high fat. It's great for burning off body fat and building muscle. And to dispel any misinformation, it's not a high protein diet. It's moderate protein. You want to meet your protein goals, keep carbs low (under 20g net) and eat fat for…
  • I live the Ketogenic Lifestyle, which is a very low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet. My macros are 70% fat (100g), 27% protein (85g), 3% carbohydrates (10g net) with a 25% deficit leaving my daily caloric intake to be 1278kcal. I love it. It makes me feel wonderful and the body fat just melts off. I have finally…
  • I have had hypothyroidism since my early teens, but it’s only been since last October that they finally decided to prescribe me with medication. It started off at 50mcg but has steadily increased to 125mcg and now it may need to be increased again. I struggle with my weight loss, but not all of it stems from my…
  • It all depends on what you add to it. I live a very low carb, high fat lifestyle where my salads contain romaine lettuce, spinach, bacon bits from two strips and a drizzle of ranch dressing. Sometimes I will add maybe a quarter of hardboiled egg to the mix. * One lettuce leaf is 5kcal, 0.34g protein, 0.08g fat, and 0.32g…
  • No, no. Haha. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. I feel your pain. Going very low carb means not consuming things with added sugars. I will be naughty every once in a while and drink a Coke Zero Cherry because it’s made from sugar alcohols, but other than that I consume foods that are higher in dietary…
  • Taking a snippet: "When you consume carbohydrates, they get turned into glucose by your body. The pancreas then secretes insulin to reduce the blood glucose levels. Insulin is our fat STORING hormone and fat burning is switched off. If we have very little amounts of carbohydrates in our…
  • Taking a snippet: "When you consume carbohydrates, they get turned into glucose by your body. The pancreas then secretes insulin to reduce the blood glucose levels. Insulin is our fat STORING hormone and fat burning is switched off. If we have very little amounts of carbohydrates in our…
  • I already made a second post with all of the answers to the questions you are asking. I already made a second post with all of the answers to the questions you are asking.
  • I have quit added sugars, yes. Well, excluding sugar alcohols as they do not count (0 calorie, 0g carb, no glycemic spike and you urinate it out). But if they are sugars naturally found in the food, I’ll consume it. But I keep my carb count below 20g net carbs a day anyway. The carbs I do consume primarily come from…
  • Here, I gave a lengthier answer to another post with some more links I'd like for you to see. I'm just going to copy/paste the whole thing, so that's why it will be obvious that I'm talking to someone else; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I used to struggle the same way, my friend. But I came across something…
  • I love this one: It has 0g net carbs and 26g of protein in one scoop. Plus, since it's unflavored, I love blending it with sugar free syrups. Sugar free raspberry has been my…
  • I used to struggle the same way, my friend. But I came across something new that has shown to work because it’s basic body chemistry. The Ketogenic Diet, which is what I have done and am currently living, is limiting your carb intake under 20g net carbs. What I mean by net carbs is when you take the total number of…
  • Despite what many are saying, consuming carbs to a varying degree does change how your body stores and burns body fat, which can change how well you lose weight. Keeping a low carb diet is best and ideal for your body. Your brain and other major organs thrive on fat and your body converts protein into necessary sugars.…
  • What about them are highly processed.
  • The hype behind them lies in the fact that they have only 3g net carbs and 21g of protein! Well, the chocolate chip cookie dough ones anyway. They are a fantastic bar to grab for on the go or if I’m feeling lazy on lunch.
  • Both are laxatives. Ditch them as they will do nothing. You will drop water weight from the diarrhea, but you could easily gain it back. If you want to reduce bloating, drink water. Lots of water. Detoxes with vinegars or other things don't do anything. They have been shown to be shams anyway.
  • That's why I said it's a lose/lose. Trace amounts aren't so trace anymore when you see the Standard American Diet consumes product after product of hydrogenated oils. Take a look at your food sometime to see just how many have it. It really sucks. That's why I wish things could be more . . . wholesome. Fresh. Like a…