miriamtob Member


  • Great! It's making people sick and we are paying for it. I'm glad I removed the stuff from my diet long ago.
  • I farmed organically on a commercial farm in humid central virginia, with every known garden pest, fungus, and disease. Grew beautiful veggies without synthetic chemicals. I'm sure the chemical companies would love for you to think you need their products as much as water. Good luck with your community plot. I'm done with…
  • You sure took my sentence out of context. I was talking about plants not needing chemicals... Re your garden: Keep manually removing the beetles. Straw mulch is the best for potatoes and planting them near beans hampers the emergence of more larvae.
  • http://agriculturesociety.com/tag/monocropping/ It is important to educate on the differences in organic farming practices as opposed to conventional: mainly monocropping. Crops grown in this style need synthetic pesticides and fertilizers as poor soil quality leaves malnourished plants extremely vulnerable to pests and…
  • I used to work on a certified usda organic farm. We used lady bugs for pest control. The only thing we ever sprayed on the plants was Fish and Seaweed fertilizer. A massive emphasis was on soil quality. We were always doing stuff to build up the soil: cover crops, bone meal, mulching, crop rotation, etc... Good soil grows…
  • I'm in the same boat of sorts: going camping this weekend for the first time since calorie counting and being grain/legume/sugar free. Going to bring hotdogs, nuts and seeds, fruit, cashew butter, skewered veggies to grill, and some Zevia sodas.
  • I eat the canned ones often and try every different brand I can get my hands on. I've never once seen canned sardines with their heads still on! Fyi: if you can find canned white anchovies, they are so good. Not salty at all, very similar to sardines but smoother and a bit less grizzly.
  • One more week of this no sugar thing. I'm starting to dream of what I'm going to eat next week: chocolate and maybe a cupcake.
    in 21 DSD Comment by miriamtob June 2015
  • Is that pork breaded with pork rinds?
  • That settles it. I'm going vegan!
  • It was actually a usda fully certified organic farm where we hand picked bugs. The guidelines for that label are stringent, not lenient like you are putting forth.
  • I used to work on an organic farm. They were held to very high standards and NEVER used pesticides. You know how we got rid of these guys? Hand picked them off the plants and squished them!
  • For weight loss, calorie deficit is what matters. It doesn't matter which macros you go over, but try to notice which foods are the most satiating to you and what their predominant macro is (it's different for different people), then you can look into basing your food choices on that macro, so that you are more likely to…
  • What's wrong with shakes? Just curious bc I am editing my post. I didn't read your op carefully at first and was recommending pea protein powder.
  • There is no One-Size-Fits-All way of eating. Cutting out meat can be therapeutic for some, and detrimental to others. There are studies supporting Vegan and Paleo diets. Some say meat results in "all cause mortality" and some say vitamin b12 deficiency is a problem for vegans. People just need to be in touch enough to know…
  • Nice try assuming my biases. I actually drink diet sodas on occasion and have an open food diary to prove it. I am biased against bad science, however.
  • Still waiting to see more studies that aren't funded by beverage companies...
  • Major conflict of interest. One strike. All the participants had to be drinkers of NNS beverages to begin with. That's odd. Also, the graph at the end showing 5% is misleading, arbitrary and indicates bias when examined critically. It could have just as easily been a graph showing "percent of people who lost 1% or gained…
  • Funding Agencies: The study was fully funded by The American Beverage Association. Disclosure: JCP, JOH received consulting fees from The Coca-Cola Company outside of the submitted work. The remaining co-authors declared no conflict of interest.
  • Maybe try tongue scraping, with a stainless steel tongue scraper you can buy online or at a health food store. You use it first thing in the morning and at night. The liver works hardest at eliminating toxins at night, many of which are released into the mouth, so you want to scrape it out. Tongue scraping also helps…
  • First of all, congrats on your loss of 30lbs! Weight loss is not linear and tends to get slower as you get closer to your goal. Your body does not know you want to lose weight and is trying to hold onto what it can. Just stay the course, with a moderate calorie deficit and exercise. Pay attention to measurements (waist,…
  • This is my go to desert because it is so easy and really is the best chocolate pudding I've ever had: http://paleoapothecary.net/2015/04/21/stupid-easy-chocolate-pudding/
    in Paleo Comment by miriamtob June 2015
  • JRosto has good advice! 50-100g carbs/ day is the sweet spot for burning fat. I did not know about MFP or counting calories when I first started Paleo, but I dropped 18lbs in the first 3 weeks on the diet. Joined the site bc I wanted to see where my carbs were at. MFP sets the carb goals way too high and fat way too low.…
  • Hi Paleogal, I venture to the main forums to be helpful and like to look at everything nutrition related objectively and there are many disparate opinions floating about there and some knowledgeable people. I've read 'Diet Cults' and Alan Aragons blog (a fitness guru respected by many in the main forum) in addition to…
  • I raised healthy fat and it has been really amazing for my skin and mental state. I am losing weight at a steady clip with 24:30:46 c:p:f. Need to check blood work soon, but I don't believe dietary fat and cholesterol are the main culprits in heart disease.