miriamtob Member


  • Lol, waste of good fishing bait, right?! Yes, squish or introduce this parasitic wasp that kills them by laying its eggs.
  • Be careful and talk to your doctor about it. I'm pregnant and today I flat out fainted. I'm not trying to lose weight, but I'm accustomed to only having 2 eggs for breakfast and today that didn't cut it. The baby uses up a lot of your blood sugar!
  • I take A LOT of food pics... Baked apple Pulled pork with baked sweet potato and slaw Moroccan Chicken with carrots and Cherries All beef kosher hotdogs and veggie kebabs!
  • Someone could write a bestselling diet book on that very concept! I had to stop finishing my kid's food and joining the "clean plate club", in order to lose weight.
  • Adding lots of good fats really helps. Saturated fat is actually anti-inflammatory.
  • Decided to join the traveling carnival and diet has invariably changed. Staples are: funnel cake, Mountain Dew, fried Oreos, cotton candy and hotdogs. The physical activity is great; you get real wirey packing and unpacking all the rides. It sure is a lifestyle change!
  • My favorite topping is raw saukraut or kimchi. Why do I only eat hot dogs in the summer? They are so good!
  • Poor Coca-Cola with their lagging sales. They may keep spending millions on their junk science, but I'll never like their drink as much as I dislike exercise!
  • Well dang, I've been out of the loop. This community just has its finger on the pulse!
  • Hey all, thank you for the advice. I did buy the sodium chloride pills fro Amazon. I think I've figured out the cause of the dizziness...pregnant!
  • The bolded part: really?? No, It doesn't happen to everybody; maybe it happened to you. I restricted sugar, including fruit, alcohol and dairy for six months and it reset me to good health. I am now much more mindful of these things when I do consume them. There has not been a single binge. Totally eliminating certain…
  • The problem rice might have on GI tract is that it is a high glycemic load, so the sugars will feed the wrong gut flora, mainly yeast and may lead to more inflammation. The soluble fiber found in non-starchy vegetables feeds the good bacteria. This fiber is made more accessible to the body by cooking (uncooked brassicas,…
  • I don't know much about SCD, but Paleo made my gut happy. If he misses rice; you can make cauliflower "rice". White rice is actually a safe starch and is more neutral than brown rice with the germ and photochemical a, which are gut irritants. Eating out: burgers in a lettuce wrap, salads with a protein, grilled meat with a…
  • OP, unfortunately, that WHO recommendation does not exclude the sugar in fruits and vegetables. In 1822, the average American ate the amount of sugar found in one of today's 12-ounce sodas every 5 days. Now, we eat that much every 7 hours.
  • No, this is not correct, as HFCS comes in varying levels of fructose and contains other molecules, such as h20. It's very molecular makeup causes it to be processed differently from other sugars. For example: In sucrose, a chemical bond joins the glucose and fructose. Once one eats, stomach acid and gut enzymes rapidly…
  • I was 172 when I started, down to 141, my goal is 135, but my goal might actually be recomposition at this point because if I gain muscle, I'll get smaller even if weight stays the same or increases slightly.
  • Do you have a source for this claim (bolded)? It is also off topic if we are talking about whether or not food can be addictive. Based on the source I provided, all sorts of things technically fall under the category of addiction: shopping, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc... And according to the Ted talk I posted, isolating…
  • Chocolate is high in iron. Maybe your body needs that nutrient... Go for extra dark chocolate 72% or more and one or two squares should satisfy the craving without adding much calories.
    in cravings Comment by miriamtob July 2015
  • From: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/addiction Definition of addiction: Addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance. The term has been partially replaced by the word dependence for substance abuse. Addiction has been extended, however, to include mood-altering behaviors or…
  • Yes, I believe it's real. This video explains how everything we think we know about addiction is wrong. You can't control it without a real support system. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection. The theory of chemical hooks driving an addiction is not completely what drives the behavior. You will…
  • Lacto-fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut in a salt brine. Why? They are are full of probiotics and fiber, which is preboitic. It helps restore a happy gut biome. With optimal gut flora, you will better absorb the nutrients from other foods. It is very easy to make lacto-fermented vegetables yourself. All you need is…
  • Thanks! Coursera is a great resource. I took human physiology through Duke University. Coursera lets you take classes at top universities for FREE!!
  • WTF!! I've never had anyone put words in my mouth like that!! Where did I say "all you need for ketosis is eating high fat"? You have no farking idea what I know.