stephc002 Member


  • Finally checking in after 3 days away. The last 2 days have been pretty rough, and it's taken all I have in me to get back with the program today...had to see a neurologist yesterday because of some recent health problems, and I have some definite weakness in my left side (along withe several other sCary symptoms). Doing…
  • I also agree about the protein challenge. If anyone had any ideas on how to up protein I am all ears (or eyes in this case I guess!) ;)
  • @celtikgirl 14 lbs this month?! Amazing! Congrats! Finally made it back to the Y to swim yesterday! I felt so good when I woke up this pain anywhere, including my rotten knee, for the first time in Months! Wasn't planning to go today because I need to clean my house for guests coming this weekend, but I felt…
  • Thanks for the input! I was just confused as to whether I should be eating some back or not based on what I have found on em2wl. And i see a lot about fitbit on here but havent seen anything from anyone using a garmin. Was wondering how accurate everything is. I have been trying not to eat my exercise calories, but…
  • @skinnyjeanzbound thanks!! I found a group on here last week that talks about eating more and losing more slowly...I increased my calories from mfp's suggestions to theirs, and I found I am much happier at the slightly higher level. Don't feel like I am starving all the time (first 2 days back were awful until I upped a…
  • Hey all. Finally checking in today. Been a pretty good day. Much better than yesterday. The dental work yesterday caused a major anxiety attack which kept me shakey all day. I am such a Had a wonderful massage today, and was finally able to get in and out of the car without hurting like crazy. My new massage…
  • Hey there everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was pretty good. I think the day off Friday was exactly what I needed. Been cleaning and organizing the house all weekend. My studio was a total disaster after my Christmas rush, so I have been trying to get that cleaned up and organized. Worked my tail off on that…
  • @kah68 @KJEFFRIES2 @Nikion901 thanks so much for the welcome and advice. Everything you guys have said is very much appreciated, and have definitely been ttying to concentrate on nit beating myself up, and concentrating on all the grear things in my life, rather than the bad. I look forward to being on here and getting to…
  • I walk in place in my house while I am watching tv. Helps me get my daily steps in (love my fitness band!). It's pretty darn cold here in Ohio too so walking outside it not an option for me either. :smile:
  • Hey all! I just stumbled on this thread aND would love to join if you will have me! I was on mfp for 4 months last yr and lost almost 25 lbs, then had one of the worst years of my life starting in May, and it had taken me this long to get my head back in the game. I gained 17 lbs back, and am trying not to kick myself for…
  • @Priss08 congrats! That's amazing! I am also trying to lose 100+lbs (118 to be exact). Just getting started again after a 9 month setback. Good luck, and feel free to add me! I can use all the motivation and support I can get!
  • This is my third day back after a 9 month setback!! I am asking myself the very same questions, tonight even! I get so angry at myself sometimes because I think of all the time I lost and how much better I could feel and look right now if I had those 9 months back (not to mention the last 40 yrs!) But....I have chosen to…
  • 120 lbs to lose here. Feel free to add me!!
  • I have 100+ to lose and am 41! I am back finally after 9+months of crappy, crazy life stuff. Feel free to add me I can use all the help I can get! :)
  • Just for today: No stress eating (my dad went into hospital last night) Meet step goal Stay under calorie allowance
  • Feel like crap today with a combo sinus and tension headache, so just for today i will only be focusing on staying under my calories goal with healthy food choices, and hitting my step goal. I can do this!
  • I have lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks just cutting calories according to MFP and mostly walking. I occasionally play the wii or have dance parties around the house with my daughtet, but mostly just walk. I bought myself a fitness band for xmas and that had kept me moving all day everyday trying to meet my daily step goal. I…
  • Day is almost over and just saw this but will post what my goals were: just for today-- make it to 5 mins jogging on mini tramp at one time (from 4 two days ago). Made it! Spend time playing in snow with my family-had snowball fight this afternoon. Hit my step goal of 10300. (Not yet) Stay under my calorie goal (looking…
  • @spoonwalker‌ i agree with the smaller goals. I am also taking it 10 lbs at a time. I used to shoot for 10% but even that amount seems too daunting right now. Happy Monday everyone! We have got this! I got off track because of a party this weekend, but tracked everything and moved on, and yesterday was a great day! Just a…
  • After nearly 2 yrs of ups and downs dealing with depression and horrible anxiety, i think I am finally on the upswing. With the help of about 9 months worth of therapy and finally finding the right drug, i feel hopeful for the first time that i can actually remember. Its so hard and so upsetting when you hits those lows…
  • I've just started using MFP (1.5 wks now), and so far I am really loving it. I like that I can track all nutrients and calories in foods, and can set my own nutrition goals, as I am trying to keep carbs lower due to prediabetes. With weight watchers, I found myself eating a lot more processed foods just because they were…
  • I am 40 and as of last week before i started here and lost 3 lbs, was at my heaviest weight ever after suffering through spells of severe depression and anxiety for the last couple years. I have been up and down all my life, but am determined to make 40 my year! Feel like i have a pretty good start. had one "so hungry I…
  • I also am trying to lose 100+ and am new here. Feel free to add me, i could use all the help and support I can get!! :)