roth5107 Member


  • I don't use tiger balm but a friend of mine does and she loves it!
  • Definitely foam rolling as everyone else has said but I wanted to add that tight glutes/hips can create knee pain too. has some great stretches to get into those areas! I danced ballet growing up and always thought I knew the best stretches but theirs are better!
  • Do some light activity to work the sore muscles. Active recovery always helps me from getting really sore. Otherwise ice and foam rolling are excellent too.
  • I remember having this issue when I first started front squats. I was told I had a "butt wink" (Google that) and attributed the tailbone pain to that. I fixed my technique and it stopped hurting.
  • I've been having repeated muscle spasms (lasting about a week each and once a month) between my shoulder blades since summer. I finally went to the doctor and she thinks it is the result of too much forward head posture. Between studying for college, reading on my kindle and being a modern person with a smartphone, it took…
  • I think it's important to find something you enjoy doing. After I had my first baby I did a Billy Blanks Tae Bo video 3/4 times a week. After that The Firm. Then I fell into running, then triathlons, then Crossfit and now I'm working on a home gym. Just find something you like so you'll want to do it. :) I follow…