Christinejbax2 Member


  • What makes people think they can comment on how anyone's body looks? I've had comments about me being obese (from someone double my size!) And comments about my food -"good to see your choosing healthier!" Like really?? "Kitten" off and mind your business!
  • A girl I work with (who is NOT skinny by any means) offered me her old clothes "when you lose enough weigh and can fit into them" when I complimented her on a cute top. It was so condescending and rude.... like I need her throw offs! She's off work right now and I would love to be well on my way to my goal weight when she…
  • Starting weight 278.0 Feb S.W. 273.5 Ultimate G.W. 160. Feb 5- 272.5 Feb 12- 270.5 Feb 19- 266 Feb 26 - 265.5 Total loss for Feb 8lbs!!! Woohoo... however- I also had pneumonia... so not the weight loss plan I would recommend!
  • I'd like to join! I've been using MFP for several years but I'm New to the forum area. I'm learning that nothing changes if we don't change in our thinking. One of my biggest fears is sharing my numbers- so I'll be joining the challenge to get me out of my comfort zone!
  • I'm in the same situation. I have 100 lbs to lose- which is daunting. So I am breaking it down into smaller amounts. 5lbs is easier to achieve than 100.