

  • Tests are today. Poetry, Interpreting, and Topics of ASL interpreting. I think I did pretty good:)
  • Hey! I'm 29 years old, married to the love of my life and a college student. I'm about 25 lbs overweight but have been as heavy as 75 lbs overweight. If there's anything else that you would like to know about me feel free to ask, I'll friend you.
  • American Sign Language Interpreting major
  • Hey, I'm trying to lose 25 lbs... again haha I'm a college student & it's hard at lunch time, I try to bring my lunch while my friends eat greasy, cheesy food at school or out somewhere.
  • Hey! I'm also a college student, going to walk in May but graduate in December. I'll be glad to be done with college:) I've been heavy most of my life, joining local TOPS clubs & counting calories along the way. I've tried Nutrisystem too, it actually helped but was expensive:/ Counting calories always works for me! I need…