hevarrrrr Member


  • this happens to me sometimes. i think i've worked out triggers! 1. boredom. so now if i have time to snack i'll stick a workout dvd on (doesn't always work lol) 2. hydration. if i haven't drunk enough water it tends to make me hungry at the end of the day. so now i have reminders to drink water in my calendar! 3. fruit and…
  • that if i eat more veg i can have a tasty snack later and i don't have to worry about calories of it. also that veg make me feel fuller for longer!
  • i had gestational diabetes, meaning i was diabetic during pregnancy. i was warned by the specialist midwife and consultant that it meant i was more at risk of type 2. it took me a year to start this journey after having my baby but tge warning was enough, i don't want type 2. i want to be able to run after my toddler and i…
  • any pop hormones affect me really basly. i get spotty, gain weight and crave sugar like there is no end in sight! so i have to have a combined method! however for a year i've had a copper coil and am losing weight better than i ever have! am sure it's because it's non-hormonal. my views are only personal but i am shocked…
  • the one thing that really made me go for it was my husbands future sister in law. she said i was the larger bridesmaid at her wedding. although true i didn't need someone to point it out. i had my first baby a year before and maintained it was pregnancy fat. less than a year later i've lost at least 2 stone and feel miles…
  • log everything. in the early days what motivated me was that even if i went over it still told me i would be less in 5 weeks. i emtionally eat and for some reason when i'm emotional i want cake mix. si i've added the recipie, weigh the ingridients and pop it in my diary. sometimes i need to adjust my calories or do more…
  • being alone abd having too much time to think!