Need to do this - please help

My husband's incredibly spiteful ex wife and now adult daughter have been having a lovely time pointing out to my husband how fat and disgusting I am and although I've known for a while now that I need to do something about my weight (have gone from 10.5 stones to 14.5 stones in a year following a serious illness and time in hospital), reading all of their bile has really pushed me to address it.

I shouldn't care what they think, I know that, but it really hurts and my confidence and self esteem is at an all time low right now.

We should be doing this for ourselves... but if there's anyone out there who wants to go on the "F**K You Diet" with me, please jump on to this thread and we can do it together.

I didn't weigh myself today - I reckon I've crept up even further since I last did. But I'll post my weight to this in the AM.

Thanks all.


  • MissusSpags
    MissusSpags Posts: 109 Member
    There are always going to be spiteful people in the world. It's a poor testament to THEIR character, not yours. I know that I want to do this not only for myself, but for all the haters I dealt with in high school (22 years and for the random strangers I think judge me for being unhealthy and overweight. I won't join the "*kitten* You Diet" but will join the "*kitten* You, I'm Getting Healthy And You Can Shove It" way of life. :)
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds good to me :smiley: Thanks missusspags x
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Ugh, what horrible people. Slow, steady and sustainable is the way to go for lasting results and good health. Bon chance!
  • hevarrrrr
    hevarrrrr Posts: 8 Member
    the one thing that really made me go for it was my husbands future sister in law. she said i was the larger bridesmaid at her wedding.

    although true i didn't need someone to point it out. i had my first baby a year before and maintained it was pregnancy fat.

    less than a year later i've lost at least 2 stone and feel miles better. but i wonder where i would've been if she hadn't made that comment! i'll join you though!
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    I guess these nasty remarks will make or break us. I'm going to channel my hurt in to doing something that will ultimately benefit me. So thanks nasties!
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    I do hope your husband told her to naff off.

    The best revenge is a life well lived. Get healthier and fit for yourself, not her, but you're allowed to feel smug when you look fit and lovely. :)
  • treyswain3
    treyswain3 Posts: 7 Member
    I believe having that motivation to put somebody in their place is key! But also remember to do this for yourself and don't lose sight of that. I always enjoy putting people in their place so I'm definitely in on the F You diet :)
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Trey!
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    joolsmd wrote: »
    I do hope your husband told her to naff off.

    The best revenge is a life well lived. Get healthier and fit for yourself, not her, but you're allowed to feel smug when you look fit and lovely. :)

    H didn't, actually. Which also hurt like hell. Never mind xx
  • DeeDeeS13
    DeeDeeS13 Posts: 28 Member
    Sending you good wishes that you achieve your goals. You can do it, and try not to worry about what other people think. You're worth it!
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    It really sucks when people make us feel that way; I had an ex who was always pointing out how chubby I was (I was 5ft 3 and weighed 115lbs....nothing chubby about me, but he was just a spiteful douche). Yes, sometimes that 'negativity' can be a great motivator, but don't make it the be all and end all of your weight loss as you could end up really upsetting yourself and focusing on the wrong thing (although it doesn't sound like you are doing that at all).

    You can do it! For you, and for the satisfaction of seeing the look on all of their faces! Good luck :)
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    treyswain3 wrote: »
    I believe having that motivation to put somebody in their place is key! But also remember to do this for yourself and don't lose sight of that. I always enjoy putting people in their place so I'm definitely in on the F You diet :)

    Also, the 'F You' diet. I like that. That is now going to have to be my response when anyone asks 'what diet are you on then?'
  • esmie3
    esmie3 Posts: 15 Member
    I think a problem with going on a f*** you diet is that your motivation might only last as long as your anger/hurt. Like other people have said, you have to do this for you and your well-being. There is nothing wrong with flaunting and looking at their sour faces once you've reached your goal though. :smile:
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks all! I hadn't underestimated my weight, phew! - I was 14 stone 6 (202lbs) this morning.

    So I've 55lbs to lose.


    21lbs down by holiday in 14 weeks = 181bs, 12 stone 13 lbs
    45lbs down by birthday in November = 157lbs, 11 stone 3lbs
    55lbs down by Xmas = 147lbs, 10 stone 5lbs

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I also started around that weight. I was 212 at my doctors office but weighed 202 at home so I usually go by my home scale. Anyway,I just wanted to chime in and tell you that you can do this. If I did it, so can you!
    Remember slow and steady wins the race. Don't starve! Get a food scale and weigh and measure everything you consume and log it and you'll be fine.
    You'll lose the weight! :-) I'm 135 now! :-)
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! That is so inspiring thorsmum! How long did it take you? I am down to 14 stone 2 today so going strong :)
  • mrswarnes
    mrswarnes Posts: 9 Member
    49lbs to go!