

  • Have you tried measuring yourself? Taking before - and after photo's? Do your clothes fit better, or even got too big? Those are better indications than that scale.
  • I read somewhere you shouldn't call it cheating, but treating. :smile: Makes me feel I have permission to have it, somehow. However, that having said, log your meals and see where you can squeeze in a treat within your calorie intake. I have a treat meal every Sunday, just one meal, not an entire day. I plan my breakfast…
  • I plan beforehand. If I have a event in the near future, I take it in my weekly eating plan. If I indulge, I make sure I eat less on that day and exercise if possible. But, I am only in it for two weeks now and I am trying my best to make it a habit. For now it is working and slowly the weight is coming off. But don't beat…
  • A Dutch dietician's diet, called Sonja Bakker. It was like 900 calories a day and the food was terrible. Plain potatoes, plain veggies and some 'healthy' (which they aren't) cookies. I have never been so hungry. Put on the weight back on in no - time.
  • I really don't have any patience at all to cook dinner that takes longer than twenty minutes to prepare. I hate it! So, to put at least something nutricious on the table, some of the dishes I make: omelets, stir fry dishes (some shrimp, pre - packaged veggies, some soy sauce and noodles you don't have to cook beforehand:…
  • I make pizza's out of tortilla's nowadays. Just top it with stuff you like, 12 minutes in a 200 degrees (Celsius) oven and you're good to go. But yeah, I enjoy the real, fatdripping pizza's way more, but these are great for a quick fix and do the job too.
  • Seems about right. If you hardly walk or stand during working hours you really don't need to eat so many calories. I have to reach 1300 calories a day and it is much harder than I thought it would be.
  • How about some spring water with some fresh squeezed orange juice? Or infused water, just gives it more of a taste without the calories. Good of you giving up the soda, it is bad for you in so many ways (no offense to the soda drinkers though). Myself, I drink three big mugs of green tea now, always has been one of my…
  • Congratulations! I am myself a mom of a 7 month old daughter. I have lost most of the pre - pregnancy weight, but now I want to lose some more. I am gonna befriend you for some extra motivation. Good luck, and we will get there!