Terrible Takeaways

I'm a young man of 19 living at home with my parents whilst working long hours (out of my house from 6-6 with commuting) I have a very physical job and train for an hour - 2 hours 4 nights a week. I am considerably overweight and have been for several years, and I feel my bad habits at home are causing me problems. I eat well through the day and come home not wanting to cook. In a household of 4 we all work similar hours and often find ourselves ordering takeaways at the end of a long day. I do not want to pressure my family into cooking as they are fine with their habits but I'm just looking for some simple suggestions as to a few healthier take away food options that are just as tasty and filling! Hope you can help!


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey man I used to be in the same situation im also 19 living at home. I lost about 25lbs a year ago and am loving it. The thing that got me through the easy unhealthy meals was mostly food prep. I cook all my lunches and dinner on one day every week that way I can just heat it up every day I need it. Also what helped me was flexible dieting, pretty much you can eat whatever you want as long as you meet your calories and macros, it is much easier to stick to and works amazingly.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Don't forget your crockpot is your best friend. Toss it in the morning and ready to eat when you get home.
  • Fleetwoodly
    I really don't have any patience at all to cook dinner that takes longer than twenty minutes to prepare. I hate it! So, to put at least something nutricious on the table, some of the dishes I make: omelets, stir fry dishes (some shrimp, pre - packaged veggies, some soy sauce and noodles you don't have to cook beforehand: takes ten minutes!), frozen veggies with fish/meat and easy wraps. You can look into meal prepping too, you make the ingredients on (say, as an example) a Sunday and eat for (half a) week.