What do you do about going over your daily calories



  • Fleetwoodly
    I plan beforehand. If I have a event in the near future, I take it in my weekly eating plan. If I indulge, I make sure I eat less on that day and exercise if possible. But, I am only in it for two weeks now and I am trying my best to make it a habit. For now it is working and slowly the weight is coming off.

    But don't beat yourself up, weight loss is very hard and you learn so much along the way. It is about forming habits and learning sticking to them. Don't expect total control and absolute super weight loss overnight. Just incorperate excersising slowly the next couple of weeks and I am sure your future healthy, less calorie habits will soon follow.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    I like to look at things I can tweak for next time, because feeling like I have a plan makes me more comfortable.

    So I might look at today's breakfast (2 sausages, an ounce of cheese, two corn tortillas and some coffee) and say "Was that the best use of 370 calories? Could I come up with something more satisfying or as satisfying with fewer calories?"

    Tomorrow I might plan to try one sausage/cheese wrap and an orange. Or swap it for a banana with peanut butter, or whatever.

    Hitting calorie targets is a learned skill, and I try to cut myself some slack while I'm learning.
  • Josyurtos23
    Josyurtos23 Posts: 63 Member
    I plan beforehand. If I have a event in the near future, I take it in my weekly eating plan. If I indulge, I make sure I eat less on that day and exercise if possible. But, I am only in it for two weeks now and I am trying my best to make it a habit. For now it is working and slowly the weight is coming off.

    But don't beat yourself up, weight loss is very hard and you learn so much along the way. It is about forming habits and learning sticking to them. Don't expect total control and absolute super weight loss overnight. Just incorperate excersising slowly the next couple of weeks and I am sure your future healthy, less calorie habits will soon follow.

    Thank you the best of luck to you as well.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    onefatgurl wrote: »
    Hi I'm slowly starting over again and right now I'm trying to get into the habit of measuring and logging in every day. I've went over my daily calorie range for the past couple of days which I'm ok with because I want to develop the habit first. I just wanted to know what your thoughts were about when you go over your limits, what do you do to keep yourself from getting discouraged? Or better, what do you tell yourself when you see that red number? Yes excercise will be in the future (sooner rather than later) but what do you do when you have done your workout already?

    On the average I think I went over 200ish calories a day.

    I prelog my day in advance. When I do that I usually am over but I know I will exercise so I can also look at how much I am over and plan out my exercise for the day. I look up how much an exercise for so many minutes burns. I might decide to do more exercise that day or just change what I plan to eat so I don't need to do more than normal.