tekkiechikk Member


  • Congratulations!! You look much thinner than 213, and definitely younger than your before picture.
  • I was late logging ONE DAY last week because I logged my day's food just after midnight and went back to zero... For an OCD numbers geek, that was torture....... But then I saw the thread to reset my counter, which I did... thanks!
  • So true. I also noticed that eating crap every day was affecting my skin- sallow and pale, no glow whatsoever. 6 months on MFP and I've lost 41 lbs. and think my skin and hair both look better.
  • I'd like to take flying lessons when I reach goal.
  • There is one school of medical thought that believes artificial sweeteners trick the brain into thinking we're getting sugar, but when the Dopamine released isn't enough to satisfy the craving, we find other ways to get it. In other words, the sabotage comes about by eating more since the diet drinks aren't helping because…
  • This is a good time to work on changing your attitude about food. I was on Adipex for a few months, it helped with the cravings and I lost about 20 lbs, but until you learn to deal with the problem you have with food, nothing is going to help you once you go off the medication. Once I went off Adipex, I gained it all back…
    in Saxenda Comment by tekkiechikk June 2015
  • Easy and delicious, saving this one. Thanks.
  • I love haddock and will often just season it with Montreal Steak Seasoning before baking. I like mustard on my fish, too, and have done it that way and then lightly breaded and baked.
  • You can substitute the oil and eggs in a box cake mix for a can of diet soda. Bakes up the same but you're losing the calories from the oil and eggs. I make it all the time and I think it's just as good. Use diet Sprite or 7-Up for light cake mixes, and diet Coke for chocolate mixes. Angel food cake is pretty low calorie,…
  • Sounds delish!
  • I think we're all just wonderfully different and what works for one may not work for somebody else, so it's a matter of trial and error a lot of times. I've been post-menopausal for a few years and know for sure that two things will trigger a hot flash: 1. stress, and 2. salt overload. I also won't do HRT and have tried…
  • Hi Venice.. hopefully the family situation is temporary and once the stress of that situation backs off you can go back to eating normally again. If it is temporary, I wouldn't be too concerned with a bit of a zig-zag. Our bodies are built pretty cleverly and can handle spikes in calories (unless you have health issues,…
  • Thanks for sharing that, very clever... sure beats having to take actual pills.
  • Doritos (any flavor)... if I don't portion them out I'm going to suck down half the bag. I still have them most nights, however, because I don't believe in putting any food off-limits, but now make them fit into my daily calorie goal. No deprivation and I can still enjoy that nacho cheesy badness :)
  • I've done both WW and MFP. The only benefit I got from WW was getting weighed by a person for the accountability factor. The meetings got boring after the first year because you keep hearing the same success stories, recipes, etc. I stay accountable on MFP by weighing myself every week on Monday morning and never skip it…
  • I love it! And yep, at 52 (and also a 'pear') I also don't show those upper thighs to anyone, and they have certainly carried me a lot of places. And by taking care of them now I can't wait to see where they'll take me in the coming years. Go thunder thighs!
  • You've taken the hardest step- admitting that 300 lbs is not fine. Having a husband who says he loves you no matter what you weigh is both a curse and a blessing- but for me (I have one at home, too) it's a curse. So my best advice to you is to not rely on him or anybody else for support. He loves you to pieces, but…
  • Hi and congrats on the commitment to exercise and lose weight. You don't need to go to a gym to exercise well at home. As others have said, there are TONS of YouTube videos. Two of my favorites are Fitness Blender and Jessica Smith. You don't need to buy weights (for now) either... you can do body weight exercises, or use…
  • Kebabs are a great on the grill... use big chunks of fresh vegetables, meat and even fruit (like pineapple). Add marinade or use some kind of dry seasoning if preferred for flavor. The combinations are endless and you've got a fun, healthy dinner in no time.
  • This time of year, fresh strawberries! Buy some fat free Cool Whip and you've got a party... very low calorie and you can have a big portion for under 100 calories. Frozen low fat yogurt is really good. Melt some chocolate morsels (like Nestles) and drizzle them over chopped bananas and then freeze. Delish.
  • I cannot drink coffee without creamer and have tried some of the substitutes like skim milk, soy and almond milk, but it's just not the same. I have since substituted flavored coffee creamers (at 35+ calories/TBS) in favor of fat free half and half (15 cals/TBS in the brand I buy, others are even lower). It's (to me) the…
  • there's a thread in Recipes called Taco Night is Back on with a delicious stuffed pepper recipe.. made them last night and they are awesome! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177896/taco-night-is-back-on-thanks-to-this-yummy-stuffed-pepper-recipe#latest
  • Google 'low cal rhubarb crisp' or 'low carb rhubarb crisp', lots of recipes. I love rhubarb too and might try some of these.
    in Rhubarb Comment by tekkiechikk June 2015
  • Made the recipe last night and it turned out really well. Just a few tweaks-- didn't use the cheese and cooked them in a dutch oven on top of the stove (just added a little water and some no sodium tomato sauce on top). I also didn't pre-cook the peppers, just stuffed them raw. Cooking them in liquid made them soft.…
  • wow, sounds so good... nutritious and would keep you full for some time. Thanks for sharing it.
  • Wow, congratulations on what you've accomplished! Have you taken a good look at your profile picture.. I mean, really taken a look? That's your progress and result of all that hard work. Hey, I just read tonight that 'one salad doesn't make you healthy, and one piece of chocolate won't derail your progress' (I'm…
  • Agreed, get a scale. You'll want to weigh more than just watermelon (mm, watermelon!).