Hi there! I honestly thought I was reading my own story until I saw the wanting another child part
37 yrs old (WAYY too close to 40) with 50# to lose. Desk job, primary caregiver to 2 small kids..... need motivation and a kick in the pants!!!!
Yes! and maybe that's part of my slump. When I exercise I feel better about EVERYTHING and make better choices. I've been a bit on the blue side because of not being able to move like I want.
I appreciate the kick in the pants! I think it may help for me to come visit the boards regularly as some sort of accountability, I've been trying to swing it on my own and that isn't helping. I have such little contact with adults these days I can't really 'lean' on anyone in my own life.
Oh, I know it's not coming off in a week.... I mean ANY progress... Even .2 lbs would be encouraging.
Before kids..... Absolutely possible. Right now, I am doing my best but being the primary caregiver and dealing with some injurys is holding back my exercise portion. According to my fitbit burn (not 100% accurate I understand) and my tracking I AM!!