jaegerbss Member


  • I have to admit that I used running as my first type of cardio when I began losing. Now I use it to help keep the calories balanced. But most of all I like the high. I've turned into an endorphin fiend. Training for my first 26.2 in November and pull 2-3 mini's a season now. I still get antsy if I can't run. It's been a…
  • Evansville here.
  • The human body....the most incredible combat chassis ever conceived. Congrats on your accomplishment. Will be running my first full 26.2 in November and totally understand your dark place comment. I usually find mine around mile 18.
  • Was 260 lbs about a year ago..checked in at 179 today. The wierdest part was that when I ran into an old friend the other day, they didn't even recognize me? I mean I was face to face with them and they didn't recognize me. My wife has been super supportive Oh.. And I love clothes shopping now because not so embarrassed…
  • First timer here also. First race of any kind will be the Indy mini in May. Already training and bringing up my base slowly. I'm really excited about running and am loving it.