I second that!
Great job!
Nice job!
Nicely done!
Very nice!
Nice job! You look great.
OP I feel your pain dear. Here is a link to further prove your point and hopefully shut the mouths of the posters who don't really know what they are talking about. Best wishes to you on your journey.
I would try these! They look promising and as a lover of zucchini bread and carrot cake I am sure they are quite tasty. Also, I have noticed when there is more nutritional value in your food you don't get that weird icky feeling like you do when you eat something like regular cake.
Wow fantastic job!
Wow you look fantastic!
Hi I also have trouble with carbs once I start eating them it can be a real danger zone. I think being aware of it is important. I try to eat mostly veggies and some lean meats healty fats and some yummy fats too and then treat any type of carb like a splurge food. If I eat too many carbs I feel hungry all the time. This…
Nicely done! You look great.
herbal tea helps me out.
You will have that off again before you know it!
Nice job, you look so much healthier. I can't find 30 extra pounds on you in your after pic though. (*)
yep, that was soooo me too!
A momentary lapse of reason does not make a bad lifestyle. It is okay we all have one. You have already taken the time to understand why it happened. Be kind to you because right now you need a kind voice. Pick yourself back up and find a healthier coping mechanism for the next hard spell, because there will be one from…
Awesome job! I can see it in your face, arms and jeans. Next time it will help if you don't wear layered clothing. :smiley:
Anybody remember Susan Powter? The no fat diet...
I found this and though it might help you there are two different types and two different approaches to resolving the problem. Good luck!
Thank you for sharing your experience! I think it is the way to go for me.
Yay, you go girl!
B) Too cool!
Nice job! You are looking so great! (*)
Thanks for the input everyone!