crystalberries426 Member


  • I got put on zoloft and gained a ton of weight quickly. I got even more depressed and talked to my doc and we switched my meds up. Now I'm just overweight for other reasons. Definitely talk to your doctor if you feel your efforts are being hindered by ur antidepressants but never stop taking them. Hopefully you can find a…
  • I had Grave's Disease, which is an auto immune disease that led to hypothyroidism. I was just diagnosed with Lupus as well. I am looking for any tips for non steroid ways to deal with the Extreme pain and fatigue. Help ladies! I've gained 50 pounds over the past few years and am working hard to lose it. I can't take meds…
  • So many "good" veggies and fruits aren't good In large volumes for hypothyroid. It's crazy when you start reading up on it. Kale, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, peaches, Brussel sprouts, soy beans, cauliflower and other stuff. My endocrinologist though has just told me to stay away from dairy, gluten and sugar.
  • I'm in the same boat. With the Lupus and Hypothyroid all I want to do is sleep and eat. I just tell myself that my health and body will only get worse if I don't get my butt up and fight thru it. Even if it's just a 15 minute workout here and there. I can already tell a difference.
  • After months of pain and hardly being able to walk or bend my fingers I was diagnosed with Lupus. All right when I was getting serious about my weight loss. I also have hypothyroidism due to Grave's Disease I had as teen. I'm still learning about Lupus but I'm with you, the meds don't help.
  • My second time as well. Went from 160 to 220 when I was pregnant 11 years ago. I got down to 140 a year after my son was born. Fast forward 9 years and I got up to 200. Finally had enough!
  • I feel the same. I gained 60 pounds when I had my son. I lost it, got down to 140. Now he's 11 and I'm up to 202. Seems impossible to do it again now that I'm 10 years older