Here we go again! 2nd time for anyone else?

I lost 3 stone with my fitness pal about two years ago and felt amazing. But in the six months after my wedding I gained it all again. Now I wanna do it again, 3 stone loss is my goal. Anyone else doing this for the second time around?


  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I lost 75 pounds 6 years ago. Down 25 this time around. My goal is another 25 - I went too low last time.
  • I lost 90 lbs (10+ years ago) and maintained about 80 of it for a few years before I started gaining again. Back to where I started unfortunately. Feel free to add me.
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, I lost 25lbs from 205lbs. Ended up gaining it all back plus extra :neutral_face:
    Definitely not giving up!
    Add me if you'd like :)
  • lopezchavarin
    lopezchavarin Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 3 stone with my fitness pal about two years ago and felt amazing. But in the six months after my wedding I gained it all again. Now I wanna do it again, 3 stone loss is my goal. Anyone else doing this for the second time around?

  • lopezchavarin
    lopezchavarin Posts: 14 Member
    Second time around for me also. Good luck. Yes love n marriage are hazardous to a diet. Lol.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited February 2015
    I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 I let life and stuff get in my way and I gave up ...deleted my MFP account and gained it all back and then some ....Just came back with a new account last month ...I promised myself I will not give up again ....wishing you much success ....we got this :) ...feel free to add me if you would like
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    This is my second time in the past year. I did sorta start a couple years ago and quit. Last year I lost almost 20 lbs. Then for some reason just stopped logging and exercising. Gained it all back. Been on again now for a couple of weeks. This time I want to succeed.
  • My second time as well. Went from 160 to 220 when I was pregnant 11 years ago. I got down to 140 a year after my son was born. Fast forward 9 years and I got up to 200. Finally had enough!
  • Me! I lost 30 lbs about 1.5 years ago and have gained 20 of it back. My goal this time around is 50! Getting started is the hardest part, good luck to you!
  • Radium1898
    Radium1898 Posts: 16 Member
    :'( I have just started my second time! I hope I am determined and make the most of it this time. ( also need support :'( ). Best.
  • Kirwin76
    Kirwin76 Posts: 2 Member
    My second go as well. I lost about 50lbs from December 2012 to November 2013, then put about 40 of that back on through 2014. Back to logging every day, and this time adding more exercise. Weight loss will probably be slower, but that's ok, I've done it once before and I WILL do it again. :smile:
  • Belmont61
    Belmont61 Posts: 55 Member
    Me too, sadly I gave up last time. I want to succeed this time
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    yes. been there done that.
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    It's my first time on MFP, but I've gained and lost 20-30 lbs many times. Two years ago I almost got to my goal of 185, but when victory was in sight I thought I could relax on the calorie counting and weighing. Next thing I knew I was back pushing 210 and two years later almost 220. While I'm currently being obsessive about calories in/out and exercise, I can see that the real problem with my lifestyle is afternoon snacks and lack of exercise. So my permanent goal is to keep active every day, and keep an eye on my weight.
  • Wow guys! It's amazing to see so many in the same boat as me. But also to see so much determination! We've all made the first step, let's do it together. Sometimes I get down and think "I can't believe I left it all pile back on, what a shame" but we gotta flip that and think, we did it before we can do it again!! :D
  • How do I 'add' people? I'm new to the board.
  • beachkriscat
    beachkriscat Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. I'm in the same boat. I lost around 50 lbs and felt really good about it even though I never did reach my weight goal. I got married this past August and gained 20 back since then. "Fat & Happy" I want to get back into my clothes and out of the yoga pants everyday. I would love to have a few friends to support each other while we lose. If you figure out how to add people; please feel free to add me. And, let me know how to as well. Thanks!
  • Radium1898
    Radium1898 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh that's my problem too! How can we add people please?
  • beachkriscat
    beachkriscat Posts: 19 Member
    I think I figured it out. Click on the person you want to add. It will take you to their profile. By their picture there is a button to send a message or add friend. It lets you send a message when you add them. I think they have to confirm your friend request, but I'm not total sure on that part.
  • Radium1898
    Radium1898 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks a lot my friend! o:)