Congrats your silhouette has totally changed!
I know I do love the 85% Lindt but for some reason I bought the atkins bar...I've been losing and gaining the same 5lbs for the past two months due to falling off the wagon. Time to cut it out!
Oh are they contact lens implants? I've had them for 5 years with no problems and it only started with keto. Wabmester didn't know that - hmmm, other symptoms making sense now too,thanks!
I know part of me wants to blame it in keto, but tbh in wasn't really getting that many nutrients from a can of coke for breakfast, chocolate bar for lunch and toast etc for dinner. I'm surprised I don't have scurvy :o I'll up my water! And cut down on my caffine...see if that helps. Thank you!
I don't think so - I've never eaten this much red meat in my life! Going to get a magnesium supplement and see if it helps. Thanks for the reply :)
I don't think so! I drink about 10 cups a day and I'm fine :)
Oh that's so lovely! I'm just noticing that my top half is way bigger than my bottom half...stupid chicken legs I don't need them to get any skinnier!
I've lost 12lbs on keto. I still have a bit of upper back fat (wtf!? Who knew that was there) and my arms I fear will always be a bit pudge. But for the first time in ages my stomach is getting flatter :) best of luck x
Ahh thank you, I didn't know that about the extra liquid...was devestated by their awfulness at lunch time. Will try again tomorrow :)
Also needle and thread in BT2 do gorgeous dresses that aren't too expensive. Don't stress out about losing weight, just enjoy the day :)
Hey Nadine, I was the same boat last month - had a friends wedding and wanted to drop a dress size. I had 5 weeks of keto, with moderate exercise and went from a size 14 to a size 10 dress just in time for the wedding. (Started at 10 stone 13lb finished at 9 12) Keto was a bit tough going for the first week - but after the…
This! I always had a whacked cycle, and all my weight is on my stomach so with a lot of googling I found keto and I've lost 11lbs in two months...which never happens! I think if you are apple shaped it's a good indicator that it will work for you?
Oh good luck let us know how you get on xx
You look amazing! You'll tear up Ibiza :)
Oh, what a waste of 7 euro! Is that because it's a different type of ketone that's release dinghy first few days? Kmca...oh I had much more than a bottle of beer. It wasa bank holiday weekend/wedding/birthday binge fest. The thing is I don't think I properly enjoyed any of the carbs I ate (including a whole box of chocs),…
Oh thanks guys. Bought some keto sticks and am back at trace...really hungry and feel a bit keto flu-y so ignoring the calories until I'm back in full swing!
Oh guys. I said I'd better practice before I let myself loose on society...tame night out (by Irish standards. 4 single vodkas)....I've just stopped throwing up about 5 minutes ago. Couldn't keep water down and was just throwing up bile! I think I'll do what the body builders do and car up on the day...I have never felt so…
Oh thanks for your replies guys! Total oblivion that's a really good idea that I may employ when I'm out for a quiet night but I want to let my hair down! Sarah thanks for that - going to have some vodka I think. Though I thought it was made from potatoes!
10lbs in a month. I'm trying to keep my calories to under 1500. I smoke like a chimney though so...aiming to get to 130 so I can quit and not worry about gaining 10lbs :)
Oh god I bought psyllium husk capsules today to try to get things moving along after reading this thread...I'm now in bits with crampy stomach pain. Has anyone else had this reaction? Just curled up with a hot water bottle waiting for it to pass... :'(
Oh wow well done there's not a pick on you! You look fab x
Legend of my lunchtime I didn't know courgettes could be low carb, thank you!
Ha that's fine! I still sniff sweet stuff...its so weird how strong sugar smells now!x
85% or 90% chocolate dipped into tea with a sweetener! The second day of keto it was my friends birthday and I actually sat at the table sniffing a slice of cake...but now 3ish weeks in I don't want sugar anymore. If you stick to it the cravings go and this is from someone who would have a can of coke for breakfast :)
That looks amazing!
Stop I'd wicked bad heartburn the other day. Bought sugar free rennie - kept saying 'oh I'll just have one more' then I read the ingredients and they're full of potato starch! Whoops :) these things happen. Do you have panadol night where you live? Fab for a good nights sleep when you've a cold! Feel better xx
Oh wow how had I not seen this before?! Thank you :D Also I have no idea how to even cook quinoa, but I feel society keeps pressuring me to eat it. I have quinoa guilt - nice to learn its a seed though.
5'7 lost 7lbs with low carb and light walking!
I'm the same. Come 9pm I'm buzzing around the place and have to get out for a run - which wakes me up even more...