The first step to success is recognizing your goals! Don't worry about the weight you've gained over the past 10 years. Everyone's journey starts somewhere, and no one is an expert when they first start. Here's a bit of advice: Be intentional about eating healthy, knowing what goes into your body, and exercising regularly.…
My confession... I don't have "cheat days" often but when I do, I go CRAZY with the chocolate & cookies. I'm in college, I can't say no to a few good homemade cookies!!!
Use the mirror as your judge, not the scale. Scales can be deceiving & the numbers can make it seem like you're not losing weight. There's a difference between losing FAT and losing WEIGHT. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you can lose body fat, but still remain the same. If you're building lots of muscle, chances are you…
Cheeseheads unite!
To be honest, I'm so new to this app that I can't even figure out how to add people. So add me instead!
Avoid the freshman 15!!!