yhealthy2000 Member


  • Stretching is important! Our bodies work better when flexible. Thank you to all you guys for sharing great information and personal experiences. Sam_I_Am77, your knowledge will help a lot of us! You were not ranting:)! I loved what you wrote. BZAH10, Angelfire365 & PinkyPan1, thank you. I know that more people need flexing…
  • Stretching simply feels great!! I guarantee you, your body will appreciate a good stretch.
  • I would like to add that eating right can include eating pizza! Just how much pizza am I going to eat is the question. If I had to eat pizza from those chain stores or restaurant I would eat one slice. Rest of my plate would have salad with dressing on the side:). Homemade pizza on a wheat pita with lots of veggie and lean…
  • Thanks for your comment on my post @melly0405
  • I'm 5'1" & during two pregnancies gained about 40lbs. When the children were two and three, my workout journey began. I started very small with running 10 minutes on the treadmill at home. I kept that going and made it part of my daily schedule. Then I started to go to my HOA gym. I learned to work on those excercise…
  • Congrats on working hard to be where you are!!! Great!! I have been doing Les Mills also. One way to lose your last few bit of fat is to challenge yourself during your pump class. For example, add the little weight before a track and only take them off if you are just not able to continue...at this point take them off and…
  • Just keep your workout going!! Never stop due to all the reasons you mentioned. Continuing with your workout will make you more flexible and make you get to your goal weight. You do the best you can and challenge yourself each week! This will bring the change you are wanting.
  • I love my fitbit flex! It's fun for me to keep checking how many more steps I need to get to my goal. I can track my workouts to get the calories I burnt. Also sync your Fitbit with My Fitness Pal (MFP) app to track your food intake. MFP is a better place to add your food intake. If you have more questions I can help. Best…
  • Eat your Goal calories for sure which should be 1200 calories, even if you are having an inactive day. Include lean meats, fruit & green leafy vegetables, nuts and diary. Divide your plate into sections: quarter for lean meat, quarter for fruit & nut, and half for green vegetables. And, drink at least aone glass of milk…
  • It's all in being consistent. No tracker can motivate unless you want results. Set your goal for one week at a time. Then work on reaching it. Try couple more weeks like that. If you are achieving your goal or you are close to your goal then you are doing fine without a tracker. I have achieved my goal without a tracker.…
  • It's true that if you have these three things you are good to go - garlic, onion and black pepper!! I chop or crush garlic before using. Chop onion & sautee in a pan. When turning a bit brown add garlic. Then add the meat...sprinkle salt & pepper (lots of it like one teaspoon on one chicken breast). Let meat sear on the…
  • I'm guessing you live in India. Good food is in abundance...are you a vegetarian? You can soak dry lentils and eat those raw with some onion & chutney. I eat that all the time. You are a student who walks a lot...that means you are burning lots of calories. Plus you are studying so that takes up energy - You can…
  • Everything in moderation is okay
  • I've been lifting weights for seven years now, and I can assure you that it's a great calorie burner and a great body toner! You burn calories from challenging yourself...lifting weights that are just a bit out of your comfort zone. Your body will tone and change as you continue with this program. It's not a quick fix. And…
  • Best thing is to not even buy stuff that you want to binge on. This will force you to think of options. One is to buy healty snacks that you only eat at a certain time and eat the correct portion. What kinds of food do you eat when binge eating?
  • My husband and I go hiking once a week. It's a medium to high terrain. We sweat and our heart rate climbs...it's fun!!! When we vacation, we find places to hike. You are right it is an amazing excercise!!!
  • Tilapia is high in protein & low in fat. Chicken breast is good. Turkey meat. Lentils, kidney beans. Nuts. Check this website www.bembu.com
  • First thing to know when trying to lose weight is to have small reachable goals for each week. It worked for me! I combined workout & gave up one unhealthy food each week. And added healthy food. When I started the journey to becoming healthy, I said to myself I'm not going to jump on the scale everyday...but at the end of…
  • That's wonderful that you are working out!! Working out is one of the best things you can do for yourself, for your physical, mental and emotional well being! As for the comment from the patient - don't take it negatively. Find a positive in those words uttered, and move on. Which you have done already - moved on
  • Workouts will make you sore! The best thing I do before workout is warm up for a few minutes. It gets your body prepare for the workout ahead. After workout, cool down stretches help me. All the tension I built during excercising get a chance to relax. But I'm still sore next day after my workout from the day before! My…
  • I do lots of food prep. With your frozen veggies you can boil them and save them in the fridge. They can last for 5-days. I sprinkle them on my salad (more greens:)), I add them over my stir fried chicken (any meat or fish), also I add them to my pasta. For sweet potato...microwave them & wrap them hot in foil and…
  • Congrats to you on your clean eating efforts. Your friends will one day realize that their bodies need good clean food. Eat cookie dough but not as a whole lunch. Instead a little as dessert after a nice salad:). You keep up with your good eats with healthy additions, and your friends may want to catch up with you one day…
  • May be morning is not your time to workout. Try evening. And only do it for 10 minutes for one week. Then reward yourself by getting a set of athletic clothing. For the next week add 5 minutes (total 15 min each day) to your workout. Reward at the end of the week. Trust me you will get to 30, 40, and plus minutes within…
  • Les Mills Body Pump and RPM is what I do, and it's a great workout! I've been doing it for the last seven years and I keep on loving it. You can keep challenging yourself with weight increases and you will see your body transform! Good luck. If you have any other questions of love to help answer.
  • My daughter is a vegan. And, she is a picky eater. I make lots of stuff for her from scratch like mushroom soup, chicken-less noodle soup, cauliflower alfredo sauce. All of these recipes are online. These are easy to make & you can make double the amount & freeze for later. There's recipes for muffins, cakes, ice cream.…
  • Hi:) Count me in. I've use MFP for now over a year. It is a great tool!! Also I have been working out for many years. Would love this opportunity!
  • I've been doing Les Mills Spin classes for cardio and Les Mills Body Pump for strength training for the last 7 years. And my body has transformed. I lift heavy weights on my bar and challenge myself most of the workout days. I go three times to the gym and do both excersices. They are great workouts! As with any weight…
  • One of the things to do is to balance your food plate. Quarter for protein, quarter for carb, and half for green veggies and fruit. That will balance your food intake. And your pie chart:). Happy eating.
  • Eat every 2to3 hours. Breakfast can be multigrain toast with cheese and eggbeater. In two hours have a handful of nuts or a small Apple with peanut butter. Then have a healthy protein & carb & fiber packed lunch. Then in couple of hours have a small fun size of your favorite chocolate:) (yes!!) & caffeine like tea. Come…