redz215 Member


  • I been asking this all morning
    in Fit bit Comment by redz215 February 2015
  • Cool I just need your email
    in Fit bit Comment by redz215 February 2015
  • I know exactly how u feel I found that planing my meals help and to be honest just yesterday I had a binging moment because I didn't eat all morning and when I finally ate I attacked he good like Cookie Monster lol but that was yesterday and I'm back on track. U will have slip ups but u have to get back in the game. Try…
  • I tried it and couldn't get past the warm up :neutral_face: instead I jumped on the elliptical but I will try again tomorrow and I will see that I get thru it no matter what! I would love motivation from u guys just add me as a friend!
  • Lol I laugh with him he's only five and he sees how tired I get lol u would laugh too if u saw me during the workout
  • Hey I love my fit bit....tho it's not exactly accurate it motivates me and I love it! I need friends to challenge and connect with so feel free to give me your info so we can get started!
    in Fit bit Comment by redz215 February 2015
  • It absolutely right.... My daughter always my cheerleader and she tries to participate. She always quit on me after a while.... but she tries and my son just laugh the whole time lol but he motivates me as well
  • I work out at home.... I have an elliptical or i YouTube a workout video depending on how I'm feeling. I havnt done well for 2 days but I'm back on my grind this week for sure lol I have young kids and sometimes the snacks get to me but as long as u keep goin you will be ok everyday not perfect but if u give up then you've…
  • ☺️☺️☺️☺️ thanks and I sure will add u!!!