rmyers14 Member


  • Don't mean to scare you, but I had impingement in both shoulders that eventually required surgery. Now, I was an idiot and didn't rest after my injury, so I'm sure I caused more damage. I would ice it and do light exercises with resistance bands and see how that feels. Once you're done stretching and exercising I would ice…
  • You need to eat lean protein sources to keep your fat low. Food=energy, but food doesn't=fat burning.
  • Yes, calories in vs calories out is the key. But that doesn't mean that 75% of your daily cals should come from carbs. Make sure you have a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat.
  • You will get there. Remember not to deprive yourself of the foods you like. You can have a cheat meal here and there, just make it fit into your daily macros.
  • While in a caloric deficit it's almost impossible to build muscle. You will loose some, but if you eat adequate amounts of protein you're not going to lose a noticeable amount of muscle mass. Continue what you're doing to lose weight and maybe try sipping some BCAAs while working out. The Iso leucine will help prevent…
  • Your body wants to maintain homeostasis by holding onto fat. You might need to make another adjustment to your over all caloric intake to continue to lose weight. I'd stick with what you're doing for a couple of weeks and if there is no more fat loss then adjust.
  • Good info by the 1st two posters. I figured someone would have bashed simple carbs by now.
  • Wear a heart rate monitor while working out. You can take the average heart rate of your workout and plug it into an online calculator that will give you the cals burned.
  • Your abs are there, so no exercise is going to make them show. Abs will show when your bf % gets low enough. Assess your eating habits and cut a few hundred cals and see if you drop some weight.
  • I would only do abs maybe twice a week. You just need to cut the weight and those babies will come out.
    in Abs Comment by rmyers14 January 2015
  • I like to add oats and coconut oil to my shake. I usually only have one a day though. To gain weight you have to be in a caloric surplus, so that's going to mean significantly upping your calories.
  • I love peanut butter while bulking. I also eat the chobani Greek yogurt with fruit.
  • Looks solid. I'd do the 500 cal increase for 2 Weekes and then see what you weigh. If you're still not gaining I'd up it another 500 cals.
  • It's calories in vs calories out. To gain weight you need to be in a caloric surplus. Healthy foods will naturally be less calorie dense, so you may need to toss back some higher calorie foods to stay in a surplus.