KarenEllerbe Member


  • I don't cheat, I treat!! Lol!! I call it that so I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong thereby avoiding that guilty feeling which can sometimes cause one to fall of the wagon!! On Keto, LCHF, it's hard to really cheat by eating sweets, but for me I carb cycle too, so my treat day might be a higher carb-count fruit…
  • I use Organic Valley when I have the extra $$$; Land O Lakes when I don't. I prefer the flavor of Land O Lakes. I used to use their half n half too before LCHF!! I tend not to be picky about organic or not. I mostly shop according to my budget that week!!
  • I just started working out last week, lifting weights, and I transitioned to lifting heavy weights this week. It's been great since I have so much energy now being adapted. Before I was adapted, my endurance was gone, so I would get winded easily. Due to that I never tried any cardio. I know people that do high intensity…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Karen and I have been doing keto for 9 days now, and I have lost 8.6 lbs!! I'm loving it cuz there's no cravings, no hunger, no feeling like I'm starving...it's great!!! My macros r set at 5/20/75, and I keep my net carbs at about 17g or less with my total carbs never going over 20g. This has worked…
  • Add me too please!!!