

  • Um- I don't take least not yet. I am being monitored by my doctor as I go through my weight loss/different eating plan and my blood work so far is fine. As long as you are eating a variety of foods you should be ok. You are wasting your money if your body doesn't need it because your body will not absorb all…
  • I would have 1/2 the size of lasagna you would normally eat, the rest of the plate i would load up on veggies, and only eat 1/2 the amount of cake you normally would. Sometimes having a little carbs is ok- tomorrow is a new day and that ONE meal wont break your diet. It's ok to make choices that involve carbs occasionally-…
  • The family eats all the same thing. My husband is supportive and we both have the thought that she will not starve herself. I talked to her doctor and she said the same thing. If she doesn't eat what we eat then she has to wait for the next meal. When snack time comes it's very fresh and healthy, and if she doesn't eat…