mother's and wives do you cook separately for the family?



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    volfan22 wrote: »
    As for my mother - well...she's just never going to change and thankfully this is just a visit - she doesn't live with me, but she is not capable of getting to the store, she can't drive.

    "Just a visit" is still no reason to have cater to someone to that extent, especially if it's putting you out. If it's something you already had on hand and/or it's just a weekend, sure. If it's a longer period of time, then I'd stand by my previous statements. And it does go both ways, too -- when I go to someone else's house, I will often take things that I can eat if I know there won't be much otherwise for me (or I'll just shut up and do the best I can with what's available). I don't expect others to go out of their way for my dietary choices, and I sure as hell wouldn't expect a separate meal.

    Also, not being able to drive is no excuse. Like I said, she can make other arrangements (ie - give someone money and send them out to get the stuff; or have someone drive her to the store).

    Of course, I was also raised by a woman who made her otherwise lazy mother get up and walk by having her come out to the porch on the opposite side of the (very large) house from where they were sitting at any given time in order to carry on a conversation...
    He1loKitty wrote: »
    We don't have kids but I don't cook anything different for my husband and he has lost even more weight than me by eating my low carb dinners! And he doesn't eat low carb at breakfast or lunch. Not fair, right? :p

    OMG! I know the feeling. My hubby's the same way. What's really bugging me is that I've seen him lose weight pretty much just by thinking "I should make better food choices and watch what I'm eating more." I even flat-out told him that I'd bet he'd lose a fair amount of weight just by nixing the sweetened drinks (or even just trading the soda for sweet tea, since we use less sugar). It's mind boggling to me that even little things like that seem to be "too much" for him, even knowing that that's really all it'd take, and yet, I'm over here, turning every aspect of my life upside down from what it used to be, and still having only limited results! :confounded:
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    volfan22 wrote: »
    As for my mother - well...she's just never going to change and thankfully this is just a visit - she doesn't live with me, but she is not capable of getting to the store, she can't drive.

    "Just a visit" is still no reason to have cater to someone to that extent, especially if it's putting you out. If it's something you already had on hand and/or it's just a weekend, sure. If it's a longer period of time, then I'd stand by my previous statements. And it does go both ways, too -- when I go to someone else's house, I will often take things that I can eat if I know there won't be much otherwise for me (or I'll just shut up and do the best I can with what's available). I don't expect others to go out of their way for my dietary choices, and I sure as hell wouldn't expect a separate meal.

    Also, not being able to drive is no excuse. Like I said, she can make other arrangements (ie - give someone money and send them out to get the stuff; or have someone drive her to the store).

    Of course, I was also raised by a woman who made her otherwise lazy mother get up and walk by having her come out to the porch on the opposite side of the (very large) house from where they were sitting at any given time in order to carry on a conversation...

    LOL - well being raised in the South by a very Southern mother - you do what your mama says and if she wants cheetos you bring her the damn cheetos and life is good. I don't have to like it - but I have to do it because she's my mama and I was raised to do what she says. Again - I get your sentiment and I appreciate it - but it's not always so cut and dry.
  • hkaiser350
    hkaiser350 Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    The family eats all the same thing. My husband is supportive and we both have the thought that she will not starve herself. I talked to her doctor and she said the same thing. If she doesn't eat what we eat then she has to wait for the next meal.
    When snack time comes it's very fresh and healthy, and if she doesn't eat that, again she has to wait till next meal and she knows she will only get water until she eats. Ever since we started this she is eating a lot better and realized that the healthy changes are here to stay.
    AND we do not keep unhealthy choices in the house, so if she does choose something it's healthy. She is 6 years old and it's only taken a few months to realize that very little carbs are in the house.
    Sometimes she puts her nose up to something, but I explain that that is all she is going to get and if she doesn't eat it she is only hurting herself. lol! Now I don't have to try so hard because her tastes are changing to where she hardly ever asks for something else and just eats.
  • knorris47
    knorris47 Posts: 2 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Nope. I usually make a starch side and they eat that and hit the bread stash.

    This is what goes on in my house.

    My house too
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    hkaiser350 wrote: »
    The family eats all the same thing. My husband is supportive and we both have the thought that she will not starve herself. I talked to her doctor and she said the same thing. If she doesn't eat what we eat then she has to wait for the next meal.
    When snack time comes it's very fresh and healthy, and if she doesn't eat that, again she has to wait till next meal and she knows she will only get water until she eats. Ever since we started this she is eating a lot better and realized that the healthy changes are here to stay.
    AND we do not keep unhealthy choices in the house, so if she does choose something it's healthy. She is 6 years old and it's only taken a few months to realize that very little carbs are in the house.
    Sometimes she puts her nose up to something, but I explain that that is all she is going to get and if she doesn't eat it she is only hurting herself. lol! Now I don't have to try so hard because her tastes are changing to where she hardly ever asks for something else and just eats.

    My littles are the same. At first they resisted but now they are on board. I cook one meat and give them veg options and it seems to work. They do have snacks that I don't eat but in moderation I feel it is ok.
  • CJ0821
    CJ0821 Posts: 51 Member
    My husband and son (10) eat whatever I make. I keep it simple as well. We have a Traeger grill, which has changed our lives btw ;), that we use almost daily for dinner stuff. So we smoke a lot of our meats. Also, these boys love their BBQ sauce so I just eat whatever meat it is plus the veggies without sauce... and I add butter(mmmmm). If the boys want something different, example last night they wanted shrimp, the baked breaded kind, and baked beans. So, they had that and I had chicken salad and veggies I whipped up. If I am in a pinch for time and the quick stuff is all I have, like spaghetti, I make it for them and usually eat some tuna with mayo, pickles and cheese with another veggie. As a LCHF person now, I like my food simple because I can keep tabs of the carbs easier that way!
  • JenniferCarter2015
    JenniferCarter2015 Posts: 18 Member
    I have a husband and 4 children. I tend to cook all of my foods for the week on Sunday and freeze meals. Then I cook for the family during the week. I always make salad for everyone because when they see me eating it they usually want it too :)
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I cook whatever I have ingredients for, usually some kind of meat and a premade side for them, cheese for my side, with lettuce. They can eat it or starve. Tis how I was raised. The only exception to this is that my dad can't have too many leafy greens or broccoli. He's on a blood thinner and too much vitamin K could kill him.
  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    No, I cook one meal and we all eat it... like it or not! LOL My son has snacks with carbs, granola and such and my husband eats lunch out often but he is very fit and athletic already. He never complains and is super supportive.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I do the variant thing. I cooked up a nice batch of taco meat. My guy had taco salads in baked shells, and I had them shell-less with a hefty helping of sour cream (he reacts to the processing agents they use here in the US and can't eat it)... We did this several times. Or I'll make mashed potatoes for him, and just grab more veg for me. Or I'll do the stir fry without rice and he'll have it with. No way am I making two meals unless I'm the one who wants something off menu, and even then, I can't afford to be wasteful, so most of the time I don't even do that... LOL
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    edited January 2015
    I prepare one meal for the family (myself and husband, kids ages 7, 5, 2) and just omit the starch element from my portion. ie, have a taco salad while the kids have tacos on tortillas, have the protein and veggies and the kids include rice. I try to make my lifestyle as normal as possible, for myself and for what the kids are seeing.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I read this thread again and for the Mum's who have problems with their kids eating vegetables - hide them. I've done this for years. To the point where my husband asked me when we were going to have some vegetables.

    Bolognese sauce - add grated carrot or zucchini, finely chopped spinach or mushrooms. Cook them really well.
    Pizza - put mushrooms through a food processor and make them part of the tomato sauce. I've also done this with broccoli and cauliflower. When the kids ask, "What are those black/green spots on my pizza?" Answer: herbs.

    You can hide grated or blended vegetables in almost any sauce. Cook them really well so that they don't affect the texture and just add them in.

  • Japkoo
    Japkoo Posts: 34 Member
    I do a bit of both. Depending what we are having. Last night was tacos and I ate mine in lettuce leaves. I have two kids and they both have very different tastes. Also they still love fruit, bread and pasta so they still have that. I have been slowly incorporating more LC choices in their diets. And sometimes I prefer to make something totally different especially if I want to try a new recipe I know they may not like.