schwich13 Member


  • Professional jigsaw puzzle assembler... Ok, probably not. Independently wealthy Botanist, for sure.
  • Wow, such motivated and organized people around here! Thanks for the welcome :) Today was good, met all my goals (what a great idea!) Sorry I didn't catch up on everyone's back story, I'll try to as the days go on. Just so nauseous at the moment, spring head cold and inner ear issues, I guess. JFT Tuesday 1. Keep on…
  • So, I stopped by this thread, and it was exactly what used to work for me in years past. I would like to come along for the ride, if that's ok... I'll post my stats, but you can delete them if it's too late to play: Think Spring! Challenge. Name: Six Age: 45 Height: 5' 5.5" Highest Weight: 279 (so many years ago ) Start…
  • JFT M 3/12 1. Eat only the food I have brought myself to work (gained seventy pounds in four years eating the food work provides for us for free---- the money I saved isn't worth the weight I gained) 2. Stay under my MFP calorie limit Starting out easy, I'll get better at this. I will add in exercise after I have enough…
  • I get it...not to blame someone else, but to yell at the temptation and say no out loud to it. I can see how this could be a good tool. Thanks for yet another help for us!
  • Ok, so I don't everything that went on behind the scenes, but I can perhaps offer a little info... I have been on stimulants for over ten years for adhd. Vyvanse is the ONLY one that lasts over12 hours for me, including the other extended release and long acting medications. So, if for no other reason than a healthy sleep…
  • I believe the entries can be entered by users as well, so I always look for more than one entry and kind of take an average or most often found number. I ignore the obvious outliers.
  • Or you'll choke and die. Just sayin'... ;)
  • Yes, it is very spendy. I spend that and more no matter which adhd drug I choose, though, so I figured why not work on both? Good luck, let us know how it goes.
  • I am currently taking Vyvanse for adhd, at a lower dose (20mg). I do like it, and have been having good luck with not bingeing. Because this is a problem for me as well, I considered asking my doctor for the higher dose used more often for binge eating disorder. Honestly, though, I've been doing really well where I am, so…
  • Hate to say this... It won't make me popular by any means... The latest studies are showing that it appears that indeed, sugar is likely causative of diabetes. Stay tuned for more, I'll bet we'll all be eating those words ( sugar doesn't cause diabetes).
  • When I click the link on that thread, it's simply an ad????
  • Omg, seriously, this thread is killing me!!! How many different ways can all of these people NOT listen to the OP? Enough with all of the experts on the food weighing, good grief, how many of you read the last twelve posters who said the exact same thing and STILL felt the need to say it again? OP, do not leave your…
  • That's so awesome!!!! Enjoy it, you've earned it!!!!
  • Just throwing this out there... Is there something going on with your implants that could cause a water/ fluid retention like infection, etc?
  • Name: Lola (pic is not current :'( ) Age: 44 this month SW: 203 GW: 153 August 1 goal: 193 July 11: July 18: July 25: August 1: This week's goals: Track everything Avoid bingeing Find something to like about me again Lola
  • And be sure to PRE-hydrate!!!
  • I guess I should have included the fact that I DO use it at times as well, and I use artificial sweeteners without apology. Sorry if I came across wrong. I think THIS is truly what I was trying to say. Thanks for saying it better than I could!
  • Excellent words. I know that I need to try to remember not to take things personally when I post, too (although it can be frustrating because not everyone says what they think as gently or as eloquently as you do). Also, I like your points about weighing daily. I do a good job of using the information as motivation and to…
  • And maybe I should have said "is non-stop Mio really a good idea?" Geez... You people are so literal... ;-)
  • But are you drinking it all-day long? I'm not talking about three or four a day here. If so, then maybe my premise is wrong....
  • When your blood sugar drops, you get hungry. Then you eat. If you are starving, and no food is available, those regulatory hormones would kick in so you don't die. Or if you are hungry for hours and hours, they would be released as well. In our developed industrialized nations where many of us are sedentary, I think a lot…
  • ... And honestly, this may not be the place to ask this question, since most people posting are losing weight or at least somewhat successful. But maybe wondering if there are people around you for which this may be the case? Like someone in my life who can never stick to a healthy woe for more than a day, but drinks…
  • Hmmmmm, that's good to know. I was going to add that I do drink them occasionally, for the flavor and a break from boring water, but my post was getting so long already... ;-) and of course, as usual on weight loss Your Mileage May Vary ;-) I do think if someone is now drinking them in place of sugary drinks, of course…
  • I may be reading too much into your post because of MY history, but if you truly believe you are binge eating, you may want to look for help... Overeaters Anonymous actually has meetings online every hour, I believe, and reading some books that specifically speak to the issue may be a good route to go...
  • My goal is to start tracking every day and complete the day at least five days a week all month, even the last week. I find that i get distracted or downhearted and quit tracking often, but if I hang in there, I know this works for me. Here's to ending the year with a bang!!!!
  • It is hard to know where you've been down to, and see yourself inching up there again, isn't it? Good job getting back here and getting down to business again! You can do this and find your smaller you again!!!!