starting over

Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
Novel time....

Back in January 2013 I decided that I was tired of being the fat guy and started the first real diet of my life. I just stopped working a job that saw me on the road for 250+ nights a year for four straight years. It took a toll on my body and spirit.

I used MFP to track calories and went from from 292-221 in 6 months. After hitting 221 I took a few months off the diet and jumped back up to 235 and then hit it hard again at got down to 208. Around that time I decided to get out of a failing marriage and was able to really focus on getting my chit together.

I found 215 to be a reasonable weight for me to maintain without hardcore dieting. After about 6 months of mourning my failed marriage I dipped my toe in the dating pond. I had not been unattached since 1997 so I knew I was in for a surprise. I had a shaky start but settled into a nice groove. (fitting story for these forums, the gal I lost my post marriage cherry to had lost a bunch of weight, like a minimum of 150 pounds)

6 months seems to be the magic number for me LOL. In 6 months on the market I had been out with over 50 ladies, found and lost the love of my life and really learned a ton about myself. This all led the universe to stick the next great one in front of me. The first healthy relationship post marriage did a number on me. Two weeks ago I jumped on the scale and what popped up was depressing. 272 pounds and looking and feeling like *kitten*.

So back on the diet I go. This morning I was 253.8 so things are going well enough so far. Its funny how there are very few carry overs from my first diet to this one. That diet saw me taking 7 measurements on my body in addition to weekly weigh ins. Back then I needed to see the inches fade on top of the numbers on the scale. Now I am just noticing how my wardrobe fits better.

I know this was a bit of a scatter brained post but I can guarantee that any updates I post will be equally as ridic so follow along if you will and I embark on another journey of self discovery.


  • schwich13
    schwich13 Posts: 31 Member
    It is hard to know where you've been down to, and see yourself inching up there again, isn't it? Good job getting back here and getting down to business again! You can do this and find your smaller you again!!!!
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I made it through Thanksgiving no worse for the wear. I ended up fasting all day and only ate during the actual meal instead of grazing a few hour before. The main benefit of having my old log is being able to compare weights on a week to week basis. I was a month into my original diet before I got to my most recent starting point. If I line up the weights between both logs I have lost weight at a 2:1 ratio which is very encouraging.


    My official weigh in is Monday morning and I will maintain this trend as I had a hiccup on my original diet that week.
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    all the best to you, glad you are able to get back on track.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Today was my official weigh in and dipped into the 240's. Its a sad state of affair that I am happy to be in the 240's but its better than the 270s I was in at the beginning of the month.

    Definitely making far more progress than I did the first go round.

  • findingmyway2fit
    findingmyway2fit Posts: 17 Member
    Good for you for getting back on track! Sounds like you have a good game plan :)
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks! ^^

    The main thing that got me motivated to start dieting again was how my clothes fit. So here are my goal jeans. I was able to button them at 215 but they were in no way fitting correctly. I am thinking if I can get down around 190 they should fit so thats my current long term goal with a goal date of my birthday in late March.

  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Had an off week that I will attribute to my body catching up to the extreme lack of calories. Still down 3 for the week and 25.6 since 11/9. Shooting for a huge loss this week. May have to do some cardio LOL.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Fitting update for my 100th post.

    Today is one month since I restarted my diet. I told myself that I needed a killer week and I am definitely on track so far. Down 3.4 since Monday and exactly 29 pounds since I started one month ago. The first time I dieted I lost 60 in 6 months. I am definitely on track to kill that and hopefully get down below where I was before.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Great job.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    edited December 2015
    This was a GREAT post. You are great writer. I cant wait for the updates and best of luck to you with your weight loss and personal life :)
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Last push before my official weigh in tomorrow. Down exactly 6 and shooting for 7.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Had to work on it a little but got down to my goal of 7 for the week. That puts me down 32.6 since I restarted 11/9.
    Next weeks goal is -4. BRB celebrating with chips and salsa.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Decided to add a Goals column to my spreadsheet so I can track successes and failure. I have looked back at my old log and some other places I have posted and the more info the better.

  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Congrats on getting back at it. Great losses so far. Be careful you don't lose too fast though, don't want to mess up your health. Great original post BTW.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for the kind words! As far as losing too fast goes, I really feel like I know how my body reacts to different things and if I get carried away with under eating I stop losing weight.

    Since my big loss last week I have been taking it easy and was up 3 from Monday this morning. No biggie but I still did some fasted cardio by way of the treadmill this morning. Still shooting for a 4 pound loss for the week.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Fuark guys. Yesterday I was down 2 before I went to the gym and went nuts on the treadmill. I ate well after the gym but somehow woke up with no loss for the week. I am guessing the loss will show up this week however I am going out of town for the holiday and no good will come of that. I feel like I am in flux here and am unable to come up with a goal.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Totally went off the rails during the holidays and then came down with a bit of a chest cold. Skipping my official weigh in and will get back to the diet once I get better.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Was talking to a friend of mine and he was mentioning that he is the heaviest he has ever been so we decided to have a weight loss challenge. As helpful as MFP is there is nothing like having someone near by to hold you accountable. Just got over my chest cold so I will be restarting tomorrow.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Official weigh in is tomorrow. I got a bit drunk last night and ended up at the pizza place and ate all the things. Still feeling pretty good about what I will end up at after the holiday gains.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Still stagnant. Gonna take a break from the scale this week and just keep my diet on point.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    So I have been a bit harsh on myself. I just went to input my official weight and realized I am down 10.4 since last Monday and 35.2 since 11/9. I was short sighted because I had stumbled some and feel like I should have been down further.

    LOL back on the mental diet upswing.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    OK so I am only updating so soon after my official weigh in because I am so quick to post negative stuff. The bubble has burst and I am down 3 pounds since yesterday morning.

    Feels good man. Had a can of tuna and a small salad for dinner and feel like I am busting at the seams.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    So I decided to add another column to my spreadsheet yet again. My birthday is in the last week of March and my old drivers license pic is of me at 295 and I look ridiculous. The final weigh in before my birthday is 3/21 and my goal is 199.5. To be honest I would be happy with 210 but I am going to push myself.

  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Hit my goal weight of 231 this morning. That puts me down 5.8 for the week and 41 since 11/9. I am definitely on the mental upswing now. I am hosting a large dinner party on Saturday and serving a ton of food, I am incorporating a cheat day into my weeks so that will be my first one. I am going to shoot to lose over my goal of 3.5 per week so I have some pounds in the bank for when I get leaner and the losses are smaller.

    I am also leaving notes for every week going forward. In the past I only left notes if there was something that seemed note worthy but I realized the importance of even the smallest bits of info as I look back at weeks.

    This weeks note was about my dependence on the pills that I take. Without them I get and succumb to nasty cravings in the evening.
  • ontosinc297
    ontosinc297 Posts: 43 Member
    You do a great job with your logs. I need to do a better job with that. Good luck brother!
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    You do a great job with your logs. I need to do a better job with that. Good luck brother!

    Thanks bro. I know all of these posts are a bit all over the place but I like adding all the crap that is floating in my mind because it helps me understand where my mind was at that particular time.
  • JenGP83
    JenGP83 Posts: 30 Member
    Great job on getting back on track! I myself am doing the same thing. In 2012 I lost 80 lbs in 9 months with the help of MFP and exercise! And of course because I love food (bad food) I gained it all back :( plus more.
    But I'm back to get my life and weight under control! It's tough and a struggle at times to push the bad food away.. But we got this! Best of luck to you friend!
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Gak! So the morning of my dinner party I was within a half pound of my Monday goal and feeling good. I did eat way more than usual but I was unable to shake the gains so I spent all this morning trying to piss out the last few fractions of a pound so I could hit my goal.

    Something I forgot to take into account when making my goal chart. My scale only registers fractions of a pound in even numbers LOL. Got stuck at 227.6 but I am giving it to myself.

    I will be hitting the gym this week to help hit my next goal easier so I am not running around the house trying to lose a fraction of a pound like I did for high school wrestling.

  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I ended up hitting the gym for a little bit on Monday and got a bit longer today. I really don't have it in me to run or even jog so I just walk at a decent clip and on an incline. I also did some ab work which felt great.

    When I got back home I weighed myself in at 227.8 and as I sat around doing some work on my computer I got up and pee'd several times and I knew I would end up being down. I jumped on the scale and was hoping to see 226.x and I ended up hitting 225.4. I showered and ran an errand and when I got back I pee'd yet again and was down to 224.8 or .8 above my Monday goal. This is good news because I think I will be able to dip below my goal and bank some pounds for the upcoming weeks.

    A few weeks ago I was happy because I finally fit back into my size 34 slim fit jeans. Well today when I hit 224.8 I tried on the size 32 jeans pictured a few posts up. I got them to button and while they were in no way fitting properly they did button and it was not painful. What they did do was push every little bit of flab and skin I have up and it looks super ridiculous. LOFL

    Back on the mental diet upswing! I am going to set a soft goal of getting in the 221.x range by Monday which will be a 6 pound loss.

    Wish me luck peeps
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    sooo.... I decided that instead of trying to lose more than what my weekly goal is I would just have an epic cheat day. And epic cheat day I had. Entire Chinese entree (pretty sure it wasn't meant for one person) so now I am dealing with all of the sodium/MSG bloat.

    No regrets and zero *kitten* given. I will hit my Monday goal.