

  • I am very paleo-ish. Been allergic to gluten, legumes and diary my whole life, so when paleo came around I was super excited about all the recipes that I could eat! I occasionally add in some brown rice here and there. For me it's about eating whole foods, that I cook myself and I know where they come from. Also the…
  • Coconut oil is awesome!!!!! It's great! Welcome to the Paleo lifestyle! ;-) Eating clean is a wonderful investment in your health! Yes, there are more fats (and that's a good thing). Just be careful of the quality of fats. Fats are essentially the fastest was to transfer nutrients into your body. So when you use good…
  • I'll echo a little of what was said, how much of your diet comes out of a bag, box or package? If so that's probably the culprit ;-). Sugar and salt are hiding in just about everything pre-made. Do you like to cook? You are completely in control of the ingredients that way (and you can skip all those hidden sugar calories!)
  • I would suggest calling your Dr and see if he has any thoughts on the matter. Otherwise, basic optimal nutrition with a focus on iron, calcium, protein and a wide variety of fresh veggies!
  • You and my husband! (although when he's working out it's more like 3500 . . but I digress) Here's my super easy go-to day for him ;-) Breakfast Muffins (eggs, sausage, sweet potatoes, bacon place in a muffin tin make 20 min at 350, keeps all week easy to reheat on the fly grab as many as you need) They are about 300 cal…
  • I had a really hard time losing weight for a while, until someone convinced me to start eating more calories. I know, it sounds crazy. But unless you are very much on the petite side and highly inactive chances are 1200 are much too low. Totally agree with upping the good quality fats (avocados, olives, wild caught fish)…
  • I'm super new to this whole fitnesspal thing, but 6'1" 2014lbs gained 65lbs over the past two years. Looking to keep clean and get back under control! I'm a mostly paleo eater (due to gluten and diary allergies). Been injured for a while, so I'm trying to figure out how to workout around my injuries. Please feel free to…