curlywagg Member


  • cheesecake no matter what the flavour or kind :D
    in FOOD! Comment by curlywagg May 2015
  • I don't have a smart phone so I don't have anything it can sync to during the day so it on syncs when I get home.
  • As I wear though the whole day I take off 10% for incedental movement (I tend to talk with my hands and have noticed it does register the flayling) and I also take another 10% off for the every day steps taken arounf the office. I will see how this goes and make changes if needed.
  • Thank you. Mine would sync though out the day but it is linked to a device that stays at home so I don't see what I have done during the day, my tracker does not have a display of its own. I think I will log them after I have had my planned dinner as them I know if I can treat myself to a job well done :)
  • Went with iced ring doughnut with 100s-1000s for 268 and no sleep lost as life is about to short to stress over 100cals just for one day!
  • It is don't fretting so much but I was looking forward to a good amount of cheese and mac but no it will be mac and cheese. Hay ho tomorrows and other day and it was a good doughnut :smile:
  • As blisters are caused by rubbing getting a pair of shoes that fit snuggly is the best way. I actually do not like wearing shoes so sandals is my thing. I have found there are some very go sandals made by walking shoe brands that have multiple foot straps that can be ajusted so that the fit is comfortable but is well…
  • I have just got a MiFit and for me it is a motivation on the days I don't work to keep moving and get the steps in. I have research them and for I found I wanted one that just did steps as I did not need anything else. I know that you can obtain incidental step that have not happen so as @StrayAlien said I will be taking…
  • @elixile If I'm out I always get soya lattes but there are only machines around the industrial estate where I work. I do actually LOVE tha taste of soya lattes so it is a shame I can't get them all the time :(
    in Protein! Comment by curlywagg April 2015
  • I'm veggie with a bovine dairy intolorance and if you look at my diary I am usuless at getting the level of protein that I am advised to have (I know that there are lattes on there by I love them an choose to deal with the consiquences when I give in which is far to frequently at the moment *sigh* !must stop!). I tend to…
    in Protein! Comment by curlywagg April 2015
  • That sucks a bit. I was go for 10K as I have to walk to and from my bus (which I do already log as a leisurely walk) but my work is office base. However, I don't have a smart phone so if I really want to log it I would have to look into getting a fitness tracker.
  • Yes it did, put in 15mins instead of the 30 to half which gave a calorie burn of 61
  • I have gone with 30mins of Wii fit free step which is 122 and I happy with that figure :)
  • Thank you, I have looked about and there is so many differing opinions that 42 did not surprise me. I will go though the MFP and look at the Wii fit step.
  • Excellent, Thank you