dottus123 Member


  • Hi Im Dot. I'm definitely not a role model but can be a great cheerleader. I too lost weight about 75 pounds going to Weight Watchers 3 years ago. I haven't gained all of it back but a slip of concentration and the old habits started again and I have gained about 50 pounds back. I am determined to lose this weight. I have…
  • Way to go ladydianna62. I try and try to talk to my husband not only about my weight program but other things too and it just ends up in an argument. So I joined a weight programs at our VA hospital and at least I have other vets to talk to having the same weight issues. My husband is 70 years old and very set in his ways…
  • My husband doesn't support me either. It's hard to explain his behavior, but it's just the way he is. Its little things that he will say like, "Do you have to look everything up on the phone?" He doesn't understand counting calories because he just won't do it. He is overweight also and has diabetes. I tried about a year…