Need a support system...BAD!

Hey everyone, I'm Amber. Coming up on 30, wife and mommy of two beautiful girls. I'm not really sure how many times i've left MFP and returned and left again. 2 years ago i had success and lost 40 lbs in about 3 months and felt GREAT! But one day of drastically "cheating" at the county fair undid me. I quickly went back to my old ways and ended up gaining everything that i had lost back....and then some!

I'm just looking for some people who are dedicated themselves, are good motivators/supporters and who are willing to lend a helping hand. To give me a virtual "kick in the *kitten*" so to speak. And i'll do my best to be of support to you as well. :) I have a pretty big/important life event coming up next Feb, and am DETERMINED to look my damn best by then!

I hope to see some new friends in the near future! :)


  • waggs72
    waggs72 Posts: 27 Member
    I am not the ideal supporter or motivator - no huge success story - yet! But I am happy to cheer you on. I am familiar with the 'giving in because of a bad day' cycle and currently trying not to fall into that trap this time.
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi Amber I'm no role model but I too am determined to get back to goal weight. I am 54 got to goal weight a few years ago slipped back into old habits and packed on 13 lbs which I am now trying to get off. Bad habits come back with a vengeance if you don't keep them in check. I find logging my food even on days when I am over my calorie goal is crucial. I live the fact that you have a timeline that should keep you motivated to stay on track! Good luck
  • carafes
    carafes Posts: 36 Member
    Tag me in as a friend, this time I am honestly tuned in to get in better shape for me and only for my health and well being. I struggled to identify the why and now the how is an adventure = investment in me!!
  • lyndseyfit33
    lyndseyfit33 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm right along with ya Amber!! Lost 113 lbs 5 years ago and gained about 30 of it back!!! Determined to lose it again!!
    I also have two weddings I need to look good and feel good for next year!!!

    Us girls have to stick together
  • dottus123
    dottus123 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Im Dot. I'm definitely not a role model but can be a great cheerleader. I too lost weight about 75 pounds going to Weight Watchers 3 years ago. I haven't gained all of it back but a slip of concentration and the old habits started again and I have gained about 50 pounds back. I am determined to lose this weight. I have no support system at home so I rely on friends. Please make me your friend and maybe we can do this together.
  • shazzy322
    shazzy322 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amber! I'd love to be your support! I am in exactly the same shoes as you and could use support myself! Good luck on your journey.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    hey u can add me if u want! i lost 50lb 2 years ago and have kept all but 5 off. i did have a baby in between so i consider it baby wieght! im trying to lose the last 20lb. i log in every day
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a mom with 3 girls. I have around 80lbs to lose. I have no one close to me to do this with so I need as many partners in crime as possible! Lol
  • JenKloock10
    JenKloock10 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 30 pubs to lose. My goal it to lose the first 10 by late April. Should be easy but the problem is I am a after kids go to bed snacker. I also need encouragement & support. I'll do my best to help you if would be willing to push me also. :)
  • You can add me I need the support too!
  • Hey you! I have also been on MF and left too many times to count. I'm here to lend support if you need it. Just add me!
  • Hi Amber! I know how you feel, I've lost count of the number of times a 'cheat' day has turned into a cheat month and undone weeks of work! Anyone can add me if they want - I'll always try to be supportive, after all, we're all on the same path! :)
  • calirich5
    calirich5 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me. We all need all the support we can get!
  • westmor
    westmor Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me x I lost 60lbs but since Xmas have started to gain so am refocusing and getting back on track! I log in most days and am happy to offer support :-)
  • VintageMisery514
    VintageMisery514 Posts: 533 Member
    Your story sounds a lot like mine! Isn't it crazy how one cheat day can just derail you so easily? We're so hard on ourselves...I've sent you a FR, and girl, we can totally do this! :)
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I'd love to help keep you motivated! I'm logging in every day, determined to not miss one and reset that daily log in tracker! I feel like it keeps me going with the stresses in life and sabotages that sometimes aren't so subtle.
  • mixednic
    mixednic Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me as well if you'd like im pretty good at keeping myself in check when it comes to cheating, if thats what we want to call it. My fitness pal has helped me think of it differently and when i eat too many calories it just motivates me to go to the gym more or eat less the next day, i try to think of things in week chunks as healthy wieght loss is not more than 2 lpds a week generally. So if i go a little crazy one day i keep in mind what ive eaten so the next day i can make it up.