anitaclary Member


  • I'm from Germany. As everyone mentioned, a lot of walking and climbing stairs is required. In most places in the US we have no choice but to get in our cars to go anywhere. We have no public transit or even sidewalks for the most part. So living in Europe makes me more fit, which is a good thing. But it didn't make me…
  • Yay! New courage! Pav8888 mentioned measurement. One inch off waist and one inch off hips even though no additional weight loss. BP 150's over 90's today - thinking out of the stroke zone. I'm maxed out on med's, so I'm desperately trying to do whatever I can in addition to med's - lost one kidney to infarct and would like…
    in stuck! Comment by anitaclary April 2015
  • Mississippi has a severe problem. My guess is inactivity is the main problem and also the fact that eating healthy is expensive. After all the buffets sprung up, obesity increased even more. Out of about twelve customers at the last burger joint I visited, nine people would have been much better off not eating that type of…
  • that's easy - My children don't live nearby, and I don't get to see them very often. I'm 70, so I want to see my grandchildren when I can - well, my children also. I cannot do everything I want to do with them, but I try. I want my grandchildren to remember me. I do some easy exercise with an Ann Smith video (she is 80) -…
    in stuck! Comment by anitaclary April 2015
  • Thank you for the suggestions. I will follow them. Exercise is a problem due to health problems. I am on a 1200 cal diet but try for 1000. When I don't eat enough to get 1000, I compensate with snacks. I usually eat two meals a day and then have late night snacks if I need to eat more. Of course spring break I had company…
    in stuck! Comment by anitaclary April 2015
  • Thank you for the suggestions. I will follow them. Exercise is a problem due to health problems. I am on a 1200 cal diet but try for 1000. When I don't eat enough to get 1000, I compensate with snacks. I usually eat two meals a day and then have late night snacks if I need to eat more. Of course spring break I had company…
    in stuck! Comment by anitaclary April 2015
  • Thank you for the suggestions. I will follow them. Exercise is a problem due to health problems. I am on a 1200 cal diet but try for 1000. When I don't eat enough to get 1000, I compensate with snacks. I usually eat two meals a day and then have late night snacks if I need to eat more. Of course spring break I had company…
    in stuck! Comment by anitaclary April 2015
  • HI, I'm 70 and here for the same reason as you. I can no longer do really stressful workouts, but I found some cd's I can work with by Ann Smith. Bending and stretching works for me. If I lived near you, I would love to to to water exercises with you :( I'm still thinking about joining, as I would have to go by myself also.