67 year old lady needs to lose 25 to 30 lbs.

I have just started a 1200 cal diet. No sweets. I don't care about sweets. I need to lose weight for health reasons. I weigh 200 lbs. It would be nice to hear from other what they have been doing. I do go on the tread mill 3 to 4 days a week for 15 min. I just joined mercy welness center. I would like to go a couple times a week. It would be nice to have some else to go with for water exercise.


  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP! I hope you enjoy it on here! I hop on and off this site occasionally, but now I'm finally back in the groove of things so hopefully you'll see me more on here haha (feel free to add me for any support if necessary!).

    When I started I was about 18 years old at 190-200 pounds. Now I'm about 22 and through the constant struggle of gaining and losing weight and maintaining I'm at about 160-170 now. I started off on the 1200 caloric intake as well, it was tough, but doable (I'd bump it up to 1300 though just to be safe). I just did c25k and was on the 1200 caloric intake (and I always eat back my calories if I want to). I lost my first initial 30 pounds that way, after that I started more circuit training and weight training, but I believe weight training is a preference.

    I'd say you're at a good start. It's better to do something rather than nothing :) ya know? haha. Goodluck! I know you can do it, and I hope you find someone to join you!

  • anitaclary
    anitaclary Posts: 10 Member
    HI, I'm 70 and here for the same reason as you. I can no longer do really stressful workouts, but I found some cd's I can work with by Ann Smith. Bending and stretching works for me. If I lived near you, I would love to to to water exercises with you :( I'm still thinking about joining, as I would have to go by myself also.