fgleiser Member


  • I tried using both at the same time and MPF does count it twice, then it does some adjustments but it is still overcounting them. before I went to start it reported I had 10000 steps and like 400 cals. then I went for a 7.5km run (about 500 cal) and when I checked MFP it said I had spent 500 cal from the job and the…
  • But does it count the steps from the workout twice or just once?
  • yes, that's what i feared. I'd get double credit, one from runtastic and then again from steps. maybe l'll just switch it on during non-workout days and off on running ones
  • I had high BP. It is under control now, nbut even if I run 30-40km a week, lost a lot of weight and eat with almost no added salt I still need to take 5mg of enalapril every day. The best advice you can get is go see your doctor and get it treated asap
  • cant you link your HRM to runstastic? I have Polar Bluetooth HRM linked to runtastic. So far, it has worked great
  • 2 or 3 glasses of wine OR 2-3 beers on weekends. that's it. And not every week, some weeks I don't drink alcohol at all, some weeks I drink a bit more
  • Same here, I dont eat all of my running valories back so i use them as a "bank" for weekends. On weekends, I relax a bit and eat a bit more, trying not to go over maintenance. It helps that I usually run 20km (12.5mi). So far it's been working for me
  • I drink a couple of glasses of wine or beer every weekend. That's my alcohol intake for the week. It hasnt prevented me from losing weight
  • That was close. Acording to runtastic, for my yesterday run: 12.35km, 1:17:41, 964cal
  • I'm a 'he'. Sorry I forgot to mention ;)
  • I'm still losing. I plan to go to 73kilos (161 pounds). The last couple of weeks I stalled a bit on the scale but the waist measurements still went lower
  • Thanks for your reply I'm a on 6:20 min/km on average. On the shorter runs I go a bit faster on the longer ones a bit slower. runtastic's reported calories went down as I lost weight, even if I run faster now. IIRC, the app uses also data from the HRM to calculate how many calories I burned during exercise
  • I'm on the same boat. I'm a sysadmin/computer consultant sitting on a chair most days but I jog 4 times a week for 1hr on average each time (2 times 45 minutes at a faster pace, 2 times 80min a bit slower). I set my profile as sedentary, but I'm not sure it's right
  • That's the greatest thing about c25k. The first day of every week is hard but doable. You'll see the third day feels easy, even if it's the same as day one. I started c25k 2 years ago. I went from doing very little exercise (a bike ride on sunday mornings and nothing more) to run 60 minutes straight in less than 6 months.
    in C25K Comment by fgleiser May 2015