

  • There are several diets you can try but too many set unrealistic goals. Try the Mediterranean style diet and eat a variety of foods. Also exercise! Hopefully you can find exercises that you find fun. I use a Nordictrack cross country ski machine and listen to audiobooks I have on my smart phone while doing any exercise. In…
  • Good diet and exercise program, try the Body For Life program. It is an excellent start. Or the Mediterranean style diet with a good aerobic workout. Use the MFP app to track your progress. Set realistic goals, monitor and track your progress.
  • Alskarani, as others have suggested 1000 cal a day is much too low. I suggest you check with your doctor. I'm an old fart and have heart issues. In 98 I had a quad bypass and my only complaint prior to the operation was that I felt that I got tired too fast. I was working a job that required almost zero activity and I was…